For example, researchers have focused on how generativity relates to parenting, including the socialization of values and the interest in fulfilling intergenerational roles. Although researchers have theorized about generativity in developmental terms, most studies have explored the current correlates of the variable in young adult or early midlife samples. In our article, we focus on the correlates of generativity at midlife and later midlife, thus expanding the range of ages traditionally studied. In this way, we examine the notion that midlife generativity is related to successful aging as adults approach young-old age. Reasons for focusing on aging and authoritarianism are less intuitive.
研究者たちはジェネラティビリティについて発達的な用語で 理論化してきたにもかかわらず、殆どの研究が青少年や早期中年を例に変数の現行の相関関係を探ってきた。