[英語から中国語(簡体字)への翻訳依頼] An All-In-One Massage Scrub From SUQQU! Here is a new all-in-one massage scru...

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ubenijapanによる依頼 2012/07/05 20:35:00 閲覧 4185回
残り時間: 終了

An All-In-One Massage Scrub From SUQQU!
Here is a new all-in-one massage scrub from SUQQU! The SUQQU moisture massage scrub will take care of facial cleansing, massage, and exfoliation all by itself!
Use this scrub once a day, either at night or in the morning. Massage the creamy scrub into your skin for a minute and it will take away dead skin cells and blackheads while moisturizing your skin. It is the perfect skin-care for busy women, since you can do it in just a minute.
The red facial scrub containing apricot extract, the yellow scrub containing yuzu extract, and the extremely fine white facial scrub: These three scrubs will take away the make-up and grime on your skin, making it nice and translucent.

評価 50
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/07/05 23:34:18に投稿されました
这里是一个新的所有功能于一身的综合按摩砂SUQQU! SUQQU的保湿按摩砂洗,洁面,按摩和去角质护理全部由!
红色的面部磨砂是含有杏提,黄色擦洗磨砂含有柚子,和极细的白色面部磨砂。 这三种面部磨砂将带走彩妆和污垢对你的皮肤,使它成为很好的和半透明的。



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