プライベートでもビジネスでも何かありましたら、是非気軽にメッセージください。 外国の方大歓迎です。
"今この前瞬間" 、少しでも多くの事を学んでいこうと思います。
どうかこんな "今井 優輔" を宜しくお願いします。
You can write to me for any reasons, business or personal. I'll especially love to hear from foreigners.
I want to live appreciating every once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet someone new,
and I especially want to fully appreciate the relationships with my friends and everything that surrounds me.
I want to learn as much as I can "now and in every moment".
This is me, Imai Yusuke. I hope we'll be good friends.