Sales Training 及びSV/MD部門のMgr.として、皆さんのサポートを頂きながら、誠心誠意業務に邁進して参りました。入社2ヶ月目にドラックストアショー(幕張)で東日本大震災に遭遇した時に、マースの皆さんの結束力の強さと業務遂行能力の高さに感嘆しました。
Dear my friends of all members of Mars Japan (名前?):
I think you are doing great job and are, therefore, somewhat tired.
I am leaving Mars Japan to cure myself from the start.
I have got much help from you all for a year and four months since I came to this company on February 2011.
I have been working hard and sincerely as a Sales Training and SV/MD department Manager, supported by all of you. When I experienced the Tohoku Earthquake two months after I got into the company (at the drug store at Makuhari), I was astonished and surprised to see the fine team work and high ability of all of you, Mars members.