E-commerce Association in Indonesia Officially Launches
The official association for e-commerce sites in Indonesia – or idEA – has launched, with an event held at the Kempinski Ballroom, Jakarta. The operational board consists of Daniel Tumiwa (of Multiply) as coordinator, Arnold Egg (of Tokobagus) as vice coordinator, with its secretary office at One Pacific Place, Jakarta.
Daniel Tumiwa, coordinator of the idEA operational board, introduced the association thusly:
It is our honor to introduce idEA, the association of e-commerce in Indonesia. As you can see by our logo, it has a 360 degree arrow on the dot, and this means we want to turn the noise in social media into actual spending power in e-commerce. We want to keep improving and expanding but at the same time trying come with a clear regulation together with key parties, such as government, and be the association to accommodate the aspirations of e-commerce sites in Indonesia.
ジャカルタの eコマース協会 idEA を紹介することができ光栄に思います。当協会のロゴを見てお分かりのように、「i」 の字の点の周りに360度の矢印が描かれています。これは、ソーシャルメディアでの話題を eコマースにおける実際の購買力に変えたいという意味です。私達は向上・拡大し続けるとともに、政府などの主な関連部門と協力して明確な規則を確立し、インドネシアのおける eコマースの大望に沿う協会となることを目指します。
The potential of Indonesia e-commerce is huge, with 55 million users, 52 million small and medium businesses, and with 57 percent of online users doing shop online. With that in mind, it has a vision to make Indonesia the biggest digital economy in southeast Asia, and contribute significantly to the economy as a whole. The mission is to educate the market and the users, and to promote and develop human resources for the e-commerce industry.
The association also explains the types of e-commerce in Indonesia, which are marketplace, classifiedss, online retail, and daily deals. For an idea of some companies that fit in these category, see the following list:
Marketplace: Blibli, Multiply, Plasa.com, and Tokopedia
Classified ads: Tokobagus, Kaskus, and Berniaga
Online retail: Bhinekka and Gramedia.com
Daily deals: Dealgoing
We hope that with the formation of a legal and official association of e-commerce in Indonesia, it will serve to educate the market, boost the industry, and improving the whole startup ecosystem. The only thing really missing is an e-payment, which is the question everyone is asking about the e-commerce industry, Daniel added that they are open to the e-payment players to join the association in the near future.
Our Startup Asia Jakarta 2012 event will have feature e-commerce panel. Are you coming?
私たちの主催するイベントStartup Asia Jakarta 2012 ではEコマースについてのパネリストも参加することになっている。あなたにもぜひ来て欲しい。