Our goal is to make a film that deeply explores the influences and experiences that have helped shape one of the most distinctive voices in modern cinema: David Lynch. It has been six years since we completed the first two parts of the documentary series and we are now ready to complete the third and final part. To do this we have chosen to partially finance the film via Kickstarter so that we retain 100% creative control of the film. We’re in the process of finishing the film, but need your help in order to do it. That’s why we’re reaching out to all David Lynch fans.
我々の目的は、モダンシネマにおけるDavid Lynchが持つ特有な考えの原型は何に影響を受け、どんな経験から生まれたのかを深く探る映画を作ることにある。我々が、最初の2つのドキュメンタリシリーズを完成させてから、既に6年経っているが、漸く、3つ目と最終パートを完成させる準備が整った。そのために、我々は制作部分のコントロールが100%保てる様にと、一部だけKickstarter経由で資金を調達することを選んだ。我々は最終段階に入っているが、完成させるには、あなたの助けが必要だ。なので、我々はDavid Lynchの全てのファンへの接触を試みているのだ。
Having been given unparalleled access to David, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to tell his story. We would like to take you along as we dig deeper into a world that is uniquely his. We will ask how the last 60 years, with all that's come and gone, has helped to shape the artist, David Lynch.
In order to do this, we need to cover the enormous expense of acquiring licensing rights to what we consider significant elements to tell this story. From an emotionally raw painting by Francis Bacon to a mesmerizing photograph by Diane Arbus or a distinctive song by Roy Orbison, the list goes on and on.
These are the pieces we need to collect in order to weave the story that we want to tell. Along with the heavy weight of acquiring licensing rights, come all the immense prerequisite costs of putting together a film of this size.
We have spent months researching information surrounding David’s life as well as the lives of his significant creative influences. This research has produced new and exciting story lines for us to pursue.