[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 日本の子ども達の象徴的なサイエンスフィクションは上海ベースのSCLAが経営している。それは2011年1月26日にPPTVの海賊行為全52エピソード[1]シ...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は yoppo1026 さん nobeldrsd さん [削除済みユーザ] さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1800文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 23時間 25分 です。

startupdatingによる依頼 2012/02/26 17:40:36 閲覧 1335回
残り時間: 終了

Chinese Video Streaming Site Gets Tiny Penalty After Pirating Ultraman

One of China’s leading video-streaming sites, PPTV, has been ordered to pay fines by a court after it effectively pirated the Japanese kids series Ultraman (pictured right) on its site last year. The Shanghai court ordered PPTV, owned by PPLive, to pay a fine of 25,000 RMB (US$4,000) for its infringement – but the local rights holder says that penalty is far too small.


中国のビデオストリーミングサイトの大手PPTVは、昨年、サイトで日本の子供向けシリーズ、ウルトラマン(右の画像)を使用したため、事実上、著作権を侵害したとして裁判所から罰金の支払いを命ぜられた。上海裁判所はPPLive所有のPPTVの著作権侵害に対し、25,000 RMB(US$4,000)の罰金支払いを命じたが、地元の著作権保有者にとっては、その額はあまりにも少なかったようだ。

The iconic Japanese children’s sci-fi is managed in China by Shanghai-based SCLA. It made notarized evidence of PPTV’s piracy after the whole 52-episode [1] series was added to the video site on January 26th, 2011. By June 24th of the same year, the entire batch of Ultraman shows were removed, shortly after SCLA had issued a take-down notice. At the time, the rights holder offered PPTV a two-year non-exclusive license to stream the series for $10.4 million over two years, but the offer was not taken up.


The court, in its verdict, maintained that 25,000 RMB was sufficient considering the videos were offered for free, accompanied instead by adverts. SCLA is demanding a somewhat larger 150,000 RMB ($24,000) in compensation instead, and will likely appeal.

Ultraman is wildly popular with kids in China as well as across the region, despite its shaky 1960s-era set and special effects. As for the small penalty, I’m wondering if that’s a result of lax enforcement of intellectual property rights, or an aging judge who doesn’t understand how lucrative online ads – or how expensive licensed TV shows – actually are.

裁判所は、宣伝代わりに、ビデオが無料で提供されていたこと考慮すれば、25,000 RMBは妥当だと判断した。しかしSCLAはやや多めの150,000 RMB ($24,000)を賠償代わりに要求しており、おそらく上告すると思われる。


1. Wikipedia says that only 40 episodes of Ultraman were made, so there exists a strange discrepancy between that figure and the one in the source. [UPDATE Feb. 17th - See an explanation in the second comment, courtesy of 'eviltofu']. ↩



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