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3 Take no prisoners
Gates was a fierce competitor. In everything he does, he has been driven to win. This made him an extremely tough adversary. He made no bones about this and talked openly about crushing the competition.
4 Hire very smart people
Gates has consistently sought out and hired the smartest individuals both at Microsoft, and at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This deliberate strategy has ensured that Microsoft attracts the highest calibre staff in its industry. Some people accused Gates of being elitist, but he was one of the first entrepreneurs to truly understand what intellectual capital is all about.
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ゲイツは首尾一貫して、マイクロソフトとBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の両所で、賢明な人材を探し出し、そして雇用してきた。この計画的戦略は、市場内で最も優秀な人材をマイクロソフトが誘引することを確実にした。幾人かはゲイツをエリート主義者と非難したが、彼は知的財産というものが何かを真に初めて理解した実業家の一人であった。