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•Never stop learning. In order to stay up to speed with new technologies, Gates assembled a collection of the leading experts in a particular technical area and had them provide intensive briefing sessions. He calls these periods of knowledge cramming 'think weeks' during which time he would soak up information like a sponge.
•Less haste, more speed. With one or two notable exceptions, the speed with which it has managed to get new applications to market has been a characteristic of Micro-soft throughout its history, and one that gave Bill Gates an important competitive advantage.
*学び続ける事。新テクノロジーのスピードに遅れをとらないため、ゲイツはテクニカル分野に特化した一流専門家の一団を招集しており、集中的な概要報告セッションをさせていた。 ゲイツは、この知識詰め込み期間を「Think週間」と呼び、この期間にスポンジのように情報を吸収していった。