Today, we have a news from the courier saying the schedule of shipping of items. Thank you for prompt production for the items. Would you send the invoice along with the package list for us, please?
We were contacted by the delivery company today about the item's delivery date. Thank you very much for manufacturing the item immediately. Would it be possible to send the invoice and package list?
I was contacted by a Japanese shipping company about shipping time and date details. Thank you for producing the product as quickly as possible. Would you be able to send the invoice and package list?
Today, we received a notice from the shipping company regarding the date and time of the shipment. Thank you very much for the quick production of the product. Could you please send me an invoice and a package list?
申し訳ございませんが、「I was contacted by a Japanese shipping company」は 「Today, I was contacted by a shipping company」へ変更してください。