[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] だが、この計算をもう少し掘り下げてみよう。仮定の域に入ってしまうが、我慢して欲しい。グルーポンが新しいお客を100人呼び寄せたとしよう。利益は、100人×...

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naokeyによる依頼 2011/11/06 13:08:56 閲覧 2934回
残り時間: 終了

Why Groupon Must Change Its Business Model for Long-Term Success

I needed sunglasses, the prescription kind. I hadn’t owned a pair in years, but this past summer I finally became fed up with squinting and wincing while daytime driving. Lo and behold, a few days after I decided to invest in some new shades, a Groupon for a local optical shop appeared. Pay $75 now for $175 off frames and lenses later. Serendipity.

That was in July, and a couple of weeks ago, I finally found some free time to head downtown and cash in my coupon. I found some nice frames, haggled a little on the price ($312 was hard to justify for sunglasses when I spend half my time in front of a computer screen), then I pulled out my Groupon.




“Ugh,” groaned the sales clerk, eying the piece of paper in my hand. “You have one of those.” And a little twinge of guilt set in.

It turned out that the Groupon promotion had been much more popular than the tiny shop had anticipated. They’d been inundated with Groupon wielding customers and had a hard time keeping up. More salesperson hours plus deep discounts for a luxury item that most people only buy once every couple of years. Was it worth it? The clerk shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. Maybe. Would you use Groupon again? A blank stare that seemed to ask, “Are you daft?”

Sometimes Good, Sometimes Bad




That’s long been a popular refrain from small businesses who have tried Groupon. On the one hand, it’s a virtually guaranteed way to reach large numbers of new customers. On the other, unless you can turn those customers into repeat business or up-sell them, the deep 40-60% discounts Groupon demands can be damaging. Plus, if you can’t keep up with demand or the influx of new customers annoys regulars, your business could suffer a hit on reputation.

Yet, Groupon reports in its IPO prospectus that it featured on its site over 45,000 merchants in North America in the first two quarters of 2011 compared to just over 27,000 in 2010 — small businesses keep signing up.



Why, in spite of well-publicized horror stories, would businesses jump into such a risky marketing strategy?

For some businesses, Groupon makes sense. For large corporations, like Gap, which ran an extremely popular promotion on the site last year, Groupon provides a great way to reach millions of potential customers. A business that large can eat the cost out of their already sizable advertising budget. For businesses that provide oft-repeated or critical services, such as auto mechanics or hair salons, a Groupon might be able to convert more repeat business, and thus be beneficial (note: that’s idle, but logical, speculation on my part).


企業によっては、グルーポンの手法が上手くいく場合もある。例えば、「ギャップ」のような大企業(同社は昨年同サイトで非常に人気のプロモーションを行なっている)が、何百万人という見込み客にアピールするのにグルーポンを利用するのは素晴らしい方法だ。ギャップほどの大きな企業ならば、既に巨額の広告予算を持っており、そこから費用を賄うことができる。車の整備場や美容院など、頻繁に訪れる店や生活に必要なサービスを提供する企業にとっても、グルーポンは常連客を増やし、その結果利益が増えるかもしれない(注: 筋は通っている が、根拠のない筆者の憶測)。

But why did a boutique optical shop run a promotion? I suspect they thought they had to, and I suspect many other small businesses feel the same.

A down economy and low consumer spending numbers that refuse to rise out of the doldrums have forced business owners to do whatever they can to get people in the front door. Groupon’s millions of potential customers are just too attractive to pass up, even at a high-risk. In other words, small business owners feel compelled to gamble because the economy has forced their hands. When the economy turns back around — whether that’s in a few months or a few years — business owners won’t need sites like Groupon, and certainly not on Groupon’s terms.



A June study from Rice University that looked at deals across five major daily deal sites found that 48.1% of businesses would run another deal — a number that closely mirrors Groupon’s own internal data, as well as that of another recent study. Almost one in five say they would not run another deal and just about a third are on the fence. Half isn’t a terrible merchant retention number. According to the study’s author, Professor Utpal Dholakia, however, it is indicative of flaws in the daily deal model.

ライス大学が主要な日替わりクーポンサイト5社を対象に行なった6月の調査から、48.1%の企業が2回のプロモーションをしていることが分かった。この数字はグルーポンの社内データおよび最近行なわれた別の調査ともよく似ている。ほぼ5人に1人が「2度とプロモーションはしない」、そして約3人に1人が「分からない」と回答している。50%という数字は販売者の滞留値としては悪くない。だが、この調査を執筆したUtpal Dholakia教授は、日替わりクーポンサイトのモデルには欠陥があると述べている。

“Over the next few years,” writes Dholakia, “it is likely that daily deal sites will have to settle for lower shares of revenues from businesses compared to their current levels, and it will be harder and more expensive for them to find viable candidates to fill their pipelines of daily deals.”

Businesses Won’t Always Need Groupon

In an online presentation about the upcoming IPO, Groupon CEO Andrew Mason runs through what he says is a typical deal on the service. His example is Seviche Restaurant in Louisville, KY, a seafood restaurant that is, according to Mason, already very successful.



まもなく行なわれるIPOに関するオンラインのプレゼンで、グルーポンのCEOアンドリュー・メイソン氏は、同氏が言うにはその業界では典型的な取引について説明をしている。その例として、ケンタッキー州のルイビルの「Seviche Restaurant(セビーチェ・レストラン)」について語っている。

Seviche wasn’t happy with traditional advertising, and ran a Groupon as a way to attract new customers. The details of the deal are as follows: $25 for $60 worth of food.Groupon keeps $12.50 of that price. Mason says that Seviche’s average bill is $100 and its cost of goods is 33%, which means that each Groupon customer should be worth, on average, $19.50 to the restaurant. His point was the prove that, when properly structured, Groupons are indeed profitable for the businesses that run them.


But let’s take that math a bit further. We’re getting into the land of hypotheticals here, but bear with me. Let’s say that the Groupon brings in 100 new customers. 100 x $19.50 = $1,950 in profit. Let’s also say that a traditional ad would perform only 40% as effectively at bringing in new customers, so it brings in just 40. Those 40 customers are paying full price, so they’re worth $67 in profit. 40 x $67 = $2,680 in profit.

How many of each become repeat diners? The Rice University study found that only about 1 in 5 daily deal users become repeat customers.



If 20 customers from the original 100 that bought the Seviche Groupon come back, say, twice in the next year and spend the full $100, that’s worth another $2,680 in profit. I’d argue that the traditional ad customers probably convert to repeat visitors at a higher rate simply because they spent $100 on a dinner from the get-go (that is, they were all definitely customers willing to fork over full price), unlike the Groupon-wielding customers, who are getting a big discount . But for simplicity, let’s use the same metric as the daily deals for repeat customers. That’s another $1,072 over a year.






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