How lovely! I Love the 7 Samurai, the original and best.
Without Kurosawa we have none of the great spaghetti (macaroni, I love this, very sweet!) westerns inspired by his movies, A Fistful of Dollars, The Magnificent Seven and the list I am sure of inspired movies is a long one, we owe so much to this great man!
I also adore his quote, "The role of the artist is to not look away….", I repeat this many times! :)
Thank you very much for the kind words, I hope we get to cross paths some day in your country
黒澤監督に影響を受けなかったら、素晴らしいスパッゲティウエスタン(日本風に言えばマカロニウェスタンーとてもかわいい言い方ですね!)映画は存在しなかったことでしょう。”The Magnificent Seven”始め、黒澤監督に恩恵を受けた映画をあげるとすれば、長いリストになると思います。偉大な監督のおかげです。