Dear Seller,
Greeting From Amazon Seller Support.
My name is Bittu and I am the associate who has been assigned to handle the concern that you have raised through this case.
I understand your concern for VAT transaction report from where you can calculate the VAT from Seller central.
As per your previous reply I would like to inform you that once you go on report section and choose fulfilment by amazon you will find at the right hand corner Tax section from where you can download the VAT transaction report.
However the previous link which i have provided was for Amazon VAT Transactions Report where you can download the report for the month which you require.
Please login to seller central before accessing the link:
Amazonn Seller Supportよりご挨拶申し上げます。
前回の回答の通り、Reportセクションへ進みFulfilment by Amazonをご選択いただきますと右隅のTaxセクションよりVAT取引報告書をダウンロードすることが可能です。
そのリンクにアクセスする前にSeller Centralにログインして下さい。