We have been able to fully refund your credit card for the amount of your prior three claims that were previously fully or partially denied – you should see the amount reflecting on your credit card within 2-3 business days.
Please take note that from this day forward, we cannot accept any further claims for your shipments made from MyUS to you. If you decide to keep shipping through your account, you will do so at your own risk – we will no longer submit any claims submitted for your shipments to our claims department.
本日以降は、MyUS 発の貴方宛の郵送に関する苦情ケースは承ることができませんことご了承ください。引き続き貴方のアカウントを利用し郵送の手配を行われる場合は、自己負担の上ご手配願います。私共では今後一切貴方からの苦情ケースをクレーム部署に転送することは致しかねます。