[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 他の人があなたのことをどう考えるか心配する代わりに、大富豪は、精神的にタフであることのおかげで、厚い皮を持っています。 実際、うまくプレッシャーと向き合...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は "なるはや" のトピックと関連があります。 kobayashi1989 さん elephantrans さん [削除済みユーザ] さん mikang さん sujiko さん tearz さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 14件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 4479文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 11分 です。

buhyohyoによる依頼 2016/08/13 17:44:22 閲覧 5096回
残り時間: 終了

I've lost millions in lifetime, I've moved past it and the fear of failure will never hold me down.
12.You’re a goal-setter.
Speaking of the future, the wealthy think about their long-term goals and needs.
“You don’t make a million by accident. If it’s not a goal you sure as hell won’t hit it,” writes Peter Voogd, founder of the Game Changers Academy, who made his first million before turning 26.
13. You aren’t divorced.
A study of around 9,000 individuals found that divorce reduces a person's wealth by about three-quarters (77 percent) compared to that of a single person, while being married almost doubles comparative wealth (93 percent).




“Divorce causes a decrease in wealth that is larger than just splitting a couple's assets in half,” said Jay Zagorsky, author of the study and a research scientist at Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research.
“If you really want to increase your wealth, get married and stay married,” suggests Zagorsky.
This isn't to say that you can't achieve greatness if you're divorced. I'm previously divorced and have made millions since.
14. You can defer gratification.
Jason Hall, a writer and editor for the Motley Fool, says “deferring gratification is one of the most important steps to becoming a millionaire.”



Hall adds, “The reality is, building wealth generally takes a lot of time. Even Warren Buffett, one of the richest people alive and arguably the best investor ever, created more than 80 percent of his vast wealth after he turned 50.”
Learn to defer your gratification.
15. You know how to maximize your strengths.
"I suck at 99 percent of stuff, but I go all out on that 1 percent I'm good at,” Gary Vaynerchuk once said.
That’s not to say that you shouldn't learn something new or work on some of your weaker skills, it means that millionaires are able to capitalize on their greatest strengths and then surround themselves with people who can enhance their weaknesses.
16. You’re optimistic.



How many people do you know are constantly whining and then blaming others? I bet those people aren’t well off financially, are they?
Millionaires don’t whine, complain, or point fingers. Instead, they accept challenges and look for ways to conquer them.
As T. Harv Eker, author of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth", says “Rich people believe, 'I create my life.' Poor people believe, 'Life happens to me.'"
17. You may have a drink, but you don’t smoke.
Did you know that men who are self-reported drinkers earn 21 percent more than male abstainers, while women who drink earn 8 percent more than non-drinking females. The reason?

「億万長者の心理の秘密:内なる富のゲーム」の著者であるT. Harv Eker氏が述べているように、富裕層の人々は「人生を切り開く」ことを信じ、貧困層の人々は「人生は偶然だ」と信じている。


Drinking enhances social capital, which leads to superior market outcomes.
Jim Britt, author of, "Do This. Get Rich!,” adds that,"A person who doesn't drink at all -- not that that's a bad thing -- is probably very conservative, and that would keep him or her out of a lot of social circles."
However, the wealthy are not smokers. "Smokers spend an incredible amount of money on smoking," says J.L. Zagorsky. Eventually, those packs of cigarettes add up. And, that money could have been spent more wisely, like on investments.
18. You have thick skin.
When you’re consumed by what others think of you, you’re allowing yourself to be held back.



Instead of worrying what others think about you, the wealthy have a thick skin thanks to being mentally tough.
In fact, being mentally tough is one of the key ingredients in making a successful entrepreneur since it assists them in handling pressure and overcoming challenges and setbacks.
19. You keep up with current events.
The most successful people in the world kickoff their early mornings by catching up on current events. For example, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates read publications like the "Wall Street Journal," the "New York Times," "USA Today," and the "Financial Times" so that they can make more informed investment decisions based on what’s going on in the world.

19. あなたは時事についていくことです

20. You’re constantly improving yourself.
While having a college degree can make a difference in determining your net wealth, that degree ultimately doesn’t determine if you’ll become a millionaires or not. Bill Gates is one of the most famous college dropouts of all-time. But, that hasn’t stopped him, and wealthy people like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, from continually improving himself by feverishly reading and learning new information or skills. Here is to becoming the next millionaire.
「20 Signs You're Destined to Become a Millionaire」

20. 絶えず自分を向上させること



固有名詞もできるだけアルファベットではなく、片仮名にしてほしいです。 あと、時間がかかってもいいので、日本語として意味がわかるように表現を変えてください。 直訳だと全く内容が理解できないことが多いので…。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。


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