その第一弾として、書き下ろし新曲3曲「Song 4 u」「Missing」「Melody」と、大ヒット曲「You & Me」のリミックスなど含む全12曲入りミニ・アルバム『LOVE』をリリース!
It was decided that songs are going to be released for 5 months consecutively for 15th anniversary of making a debut!
As 1st series, we will sell the small album "Love" on November 8th Thursday!
For April 8th 2013 that is the 15th anniversary of the debut, it was decided that songs are released on the 8th every month for 5 months consecutively, which is her first experience.
As its 1st series, the small album "Love" including 12 songs in total such as 3 new songs "Song 4 u", "Missing" and "Melody" as well as remixing of the big hit song "You & Me" is released!
Releasing albums 5 months in a row for the 15th debut anniversary!
As a starter, mini album 『LOVE』 will be released on the 8th of Nov!!
Her first releases 5 months in a row have been scheduled on the 8th of every month, for the 15th anniversary on the 8th of Apr,2013!
As a starter, a mini album 『LOVE』 with 12 songs including newly written 3 songs "Song 4 u", "Missing", "Melody" and a big hit song "You &Me" remixes will be released!
「Song 4 u」は、11月1日発売のゲーム「テイルズ オブ エクシリア2」のテーマソングに決定しており、9月23日に幕張メッセで開催された“東京ゲームショウ2012”にて楽曲が初解禁された際には、熱狂的なテイルズ・ファンから大歓声で迎えられた。昨年の「progress」に続く「テイルズ オブ」シリーズとのコラボレーションで、壮大な世界観と疾走感溢れる楽曲はまさにファンの期待を裏切らないものとなっている。
In collaboration with the “Tales of” series followed by “Progress,” the song full of the magnificence of world view and a sense of speed truly lives up to expectations of her fans.
さらに、今年の夏を席巻し現在もヒット中の「You & Me」の大沢伸一、Remo-conによるリミックス、「Song 4 u」のオーケストラ・ヴァージョン、「Missing」と「Melody」のリミックスなど、全12曲を収録した会心作!
This mini album will be released consecutively on 8th of December (Saturday), 8th of February (Tuesday), 8th of January (Friday) and 8th of March (Friday).