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startupdatingによる依頼 2015/09/14 13:39:26 閲覧 2963回
残り時間: 終了

China’s Top Food Ordering Ele.me Eats Up Landmark $630M USD Funding At $3B USD Valuation

China’s top online food takeout site Ele.me announced Friday that it has raised $630 million USD of fresh funding led by CITIC Capital and supermarket chain Hualian at a market cap of more than $3 billion USD, pushing the company’s total investment size to a whopping $1.1 billion USD.

The hefty round was followed by current investors Tencent, JD, Sequoia Capital and new backers of China Media Capital and Gopher Asset.


中国トップのオンライン食品テイクアウトサイトEle.meは、時価総額30億米ドル以上となる、CITIC Captialとスーパーマーケットチェーン店Hualian主導の新規資金6億3000万米ドルを獲得し、同社の総額出資額を桁外れの11億米ドルに押し上げたと金曜日に発表した。

この巨額のラウンドの後には、現在の投資家Tencent、 JD、 Sequoia Capitalまた新しい支援者China Media CapitalおよびGopher Assetが続いた。

The company did not specify the investment share of every investor, but disclosed that Hualian contributed $90 million USD and will leverage its offline resources to enable faster food delivery services across the country.


Founded as a student entrepreneurial project in 2009, Ele.me has experienced substantial growth in line with China’s booming O2O industry in recent years. Along with the funding news, the company has announced some impressive metrics. As of July 2015, the startup’s more than 10,000 employees provide service to more than 40 million users and 300,000 restaurants distributed across north of 260 cities nationwide. The daily turnover hits RMB60 million (US$9.4 million) with 98% comes from mobile users.


Zhang Xuhao, the company’s founder and CEO, said that funding is earmarked for constructing more sophisticated trading and delivery platform, as well as to improve user experience. He indicates the firm is going raise further rounds since constructing an efficient delivery platform needs solid capital support.

China’s booming online food delivery sector has been crammed with multiple players from internet giants Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba, to medium-sized competitors Dianping, Meituan, and all the way to vertical startups Line0, Waimaichaoren, Daojia, Meican, Dianwoba. The growing market has attracted strings of capitalists who are eager to pour money in.

同社の設立者であり最高経営責任者のZhang Xuhao氏は、資金はさらに洗練された商取引と配達プラットフォームを築くことに、またユーザ・エクスペリエンスの向上のために向けられると述べた。効率的な配達プラットフォームを築くにはしっかりした資本支援が必要なため、同社はさらに資金集めをするつもりだと、彼は示唆した。

中国の成長著しいオンラインフード配達セクターは、インターネットの巨人Baidu、 Tencent や Alibabaから、中規模の競合Dianping、 Meituanそして垂直的立ち上げのLine0、 Waimaichaoren、 Daojia、 Meican、Dianwobaまでと複数の参入者でぎっしりしていた。その成長市場は、お金を注ぐことに意欲的なたくさんの資本家たちを引き付けていた。

However, the fierce competition has made the sector a high money-burning sector where players compete for an increasingly large market share. Of course, investments can help companies to attract users by giving out more coupons or discounts, but when all the players have some funding in their pocket to burn, companies have to differentiate their services with better user experience.



2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





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