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startupdatingによる依頼 2015/08/25 19:07:24 閲覧 3919回
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How to not hire the next office jerk at your startup

He talks too loudly on the phone, gossips about his coworkers, cuts colleagues off in meetings, and takes the food in the office refrigerator that’s clearly labeled for someone else.

The office jerk.



If you’ve spent any time in a work environment, you’ve probably run across this low-EQ individual. Characteristics may include lack of self-awareness, bullying, backstabbing, and egotism. Not every workplace has an office jerk, but those that do suffer the consequences. After all, a company is only as strong as its weakest employee. My experience as CEO has taught me how businesses can avoid the negative impact that unpleasant employees can unleash on the workplace and, moreover, how leaders can and should cultivate an environment of trust, reliability, and collaboration in their startup.


The Toxic Effect of Jerks

There is a clear connection between workplace hostility and employee productivity. A recent study by Connectria of 250 IT professionals found that 65 percent of respondents have dreaded going to work because of a difficult coworker, while 40 percent said it caused the quality of their work to decline. Research released by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business supports this conclusion, finding that employees performed 33 percent worse on anagram puzzles and had 39 percent fewer ideas after the experimenter belittled them.

労働者が抱く反感と従業員の生産能力の間には、明確な結びつきが存在する。Connectria of 250 IT の専門家による最近行われた調査によれば、回答者の65%が、気難しい同僚がいるために仕事に行くことを恐れているということであった。一方で回答者の40%は、彼らによって仕事の質が低下すると答えた。ジョージタウン大学のMcDonough School of Business supports の研究によってこの結果が明らかにされたのだが、そのような気難しい者のうち、33%はつづり換えのパズルにおいて良い成績を残せず、39%は彼らに価値を見出していない実験者に続き、いくつかのアイデアを持ったのである。

What does this mean for your startup? One bad seed can significantly influence the rest of your workforce, affecting the output, creativity, and quality of work, as well as your overall bottom line. Clearly, there are major downsides to having a less-than-friendly staffer on the books. My solution? Make every effort not to hire a jerk in the first place.

これがあなたのスタートアップにとってどんな意味を持つのだろう。1つの悪い種は、最終的な収益のみならず、残りの従業員に著しい影響を与え、生産、創造力、そして労働の質が影響を受ける。あまり友好的ではないスタッフを雇っていることには、マイナス面があるのは明らかだ。私の解決法? そもそも、不愉快なヤツを雇わないように、最大限の努力をすることだ。

The Simple Solution

Over the years, I’ve learned that you can train people to do almost any job you need, but you can’t train the jerk out of people. I have stressed to our HR team the importance of bringing on new hires who are not only smart, knowledgeable, and talented, but also friendly, polite, and respectful. It has made a difference both in our overall office morale and our business results. If an employee is difficult in the office, you can bet they’ll be difficult in front of your prospects and customers, the media, and other influencers in the industry. Your company’s reputation and brand depend on a person’s overall experience during interactions with your employees.



Having a rude, demeaning representative setting the first impression does not reflect the kind of brand image we all strive to convey.

Using Hidden Strengths to Discover Character

Throughout the hiring process, businesses should make a point of digging deeper into potential candidates’ personalities to uncover hidden talents. Executives are often trained to quickly unearth key workplace skills or industry expertise, but it’s your employees’ secret strengths that may be the real indicator of their success.




Discovering that a QA engineer is a champion yo-yo expert (we actually have one of these on staff) tells us that she possesses the patience and flexibility needed to work alongside different teams. Knowing that a software engineer feels confident heading out for a five-day backpacking trip in the wilderness demonstrates his planning skills as well as his ability to adapt to unforeseen changes or challenges. Conversely, skilled chess players are able to display high levels of concentration and ignore distractions around them, so they should be considered a resource when looking to solve highly technical issues that take a great deal of focus.


Take the time to go beyond the norm, and you’ll find you have lots of secret weapons in your arsenal that you never knew were there.

A workforce made up of happy employees who work well together and trust and rely on one another is essential to a startup’s success. Work environments like this lend themselves to easier collaboration, brainstorming, and problem solving, which all benefit a business’ bottom line.



Countering the Inevitable Objection

Some of you may be thinking, “surely there are many cases where jerks actually are good for business.” We’ve all read the stories about mercurial individuals whose jerkiness seems to be interwoven with their greatness. But, as Tony Schwartz, the productivity expert who runs The Energy Project, recently stated in The New York Times, employees perform better when they feel their needs are being met. As Steve Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson wrote, “Nasty was not necessary. It hindered [Jobs] more than it helped him.”


あなた達の中には、「確かに、不愉快な人が実際にはビジネスにとってはいい場合が多くあります」と考えているかもしれない。私たちはみんな頭の回転の早い人達の話を読んだことがある。そして頭の回転の早い人達の馬鹿さ加減は素晴らしさと織り交ざっているように見える。しかし、The Energy Projectを経営するTony Schwartzが最近The New York Timesで述べたように、従業員は必要が満たされたと感じる時によりよい業績を上げる。Steve Jobsの伝記作家であるWalter Lssacsonはこう書いた。「悪質さは必要ではなかった。それは、彼(Jobs)の助けになるどころかの妨げだった」

Structuring teams that work and communicate efficiently with each other goes a long way in the quality of work produced. It’s crucial to workplace morale and your bottom line that both human resources and the entire executive team have clear insight into your work culture so they can successfully find and cultivate candidates who possess qualities that help your success — not hinder it.

Brad Wiskirchen is CEO of Kount.


Brad WiskirchenはKountのCEOだ。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





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