Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the limits when selling items on the site. I know how excited you are to list more items here on eBay. My name is Jessa and I would be happy to assist you today.
In reviewing your account I see that the limit needs to be handled by a special team for our Japan members. This team specifically handles these issues so that you can have the best and most accurate response as quickly as possible.
In order to get in contact with this team you will need to send an email from your personal email to this email address
I know it is frustrating to not feel like you are getting assistance but I can assure you that we have this process to allow for the best resolution for you.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a valued member of the eBay community. Your business is very important to us and the resolution to this situation will motivate you to continue your relationship with us. You will find lots of great deals here on eBay. eBay is a great venue for buying and selling items online. We also have policies that will help protect both our buyers and sellers.
Thank you for your patience and understanding of this process and we look forward to continuing business with you in the future.
この場をお借りしまして、eBayコミュニティの価値あるメンバーになっていただいていることにお礼申し上げます。あなたの事業は当社にとって重要なもので、今回の問題を解決することは、当社との関係を維持する動機になると思っております。ここeBayでは数多くのお取引を目にしていただけます。eBayは、ネット上でものを売り買いできる、素晴らしい場です。 当社ではバイヤーとセラーの方を保護するのに役立つポリシーも備えております。