I have agreed to the reimbursement on the scales/broken handle as shown but there is another issue with this blade- I thought it prudent to check to make sure all the blades would hone properly- that was my primary criterion when I enter into this deal. This blade in question with the cracked scales is also the worst in spine/blade geometry- it has a frown. While it might be straightened with a lot of honing- a frown like this needs to be ground past the bow in the center of the blade edge: this would further devalue this item and it is best if I return it entirely. I can take additional pictures if you would like but I assure you this is the case and I will be glad to pay the shipping back to you.
As this is one of the three I had offered $325 for (the fourth a separate item with higher value- part of the $450 package) we have a reference as to the value of this blade: 1/3 $325 or $108.33. I can ship it back on Monday. Or you can increase the reimbursement to $75 and I will try to work out the deficiencies of this blade with additional honing and wear on both spine and blade. Or it is always your option to have me send them all back for a complete refund.
Hello razor does not make the written dimensions on the ad
This seems to be your best stone. Any idea where it comes from?
And if I understand, this has some things on surface, but nothing bad for razor edge
この商品は、3つで325ドル支払ったもののうちの1つであるので(4つ目は、他の商品で、より高い値段でした-450ドルパッケージの一部です)、この刃の価値については次の値が参考になると思います:1/3 325ドル、または108.33ドルです。月曜日に返送できます。または、あなたが補償を75ドルに増やしていただければ、私は峰と刃に対し追加で研磨を行い、欠陥を直すことを試みてみます。または、私が全ての商品をあなたに返送し、全額を返金していただく、というのもあなたの選択肢として常にあります。