I recently purchased a Dorko 43 from you that I was pleased with so I obtained yet another from a vendor at a good price and decided I really like these blades. Picked up yet another inexpensively because scales were not original - I have three now. It would be nice to assemble a 7-day set.
You still have several and I have noticed these wedge Dorko's in less than excellent condition are not valued very highly by most shavers and do not sell well compared to others
I would be willing to purchase several more without e-bay commissions should the ones you have not sell soon. I like them enough to assemble a 7-day set but I can wait for good deals
I am interested in your four mid-line Dorko 43's; reference #'s C-477,
I can offer you with shipment included $450 for all four or
$325 for three: C-#'s:479 (includes shipment to zip 20904) I realize the scales on C-521 are not the typical Dorko white but yellow.
My only stipulation is that the blades are not warped so that I can readily get a shaving edge on these blades after proper honing
These fine blades have surfaced in numbers and are being heavily discounted so I am on the lookout for good deals. How long to hold onto them?
I want to ask you what kind of grind this razor is?. is it a wedge type or hollow?. i only shave with thick wedge/near wedge or razors with inflexible blades. I saw the Starlet Ito with a nice thick grind. but love how this razor looks. is this the same?