4月14日、台湾南西部の高雄市に新しい展示場、kaohsiung Exhibition Center:KECがオープンした。
この日はグランドオープンと、こけら落としとなる展示会、Taiwan International Fastener Showの開会式がメインエントランス前の広場で開催された。
A new exhibition hall, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center : KEC, opened on April 14th in Kaohsiung City of Southwest Taiwan.
It was the grand opening and the opening of a new theater exhibition and the opening ceremony of the Taiwan International Fastener Show was held in the main square front of the entrance.
Vice president Wu Den-Yih, who also worked as the former Kaohsiung mayor was there with Kaohsiung's mayor Chen-Chu and a number of related parties at the opening ceremonies and provide words of hope and celebration.
There was a gathering of 120 people from the media and 600 participants in the ceremony.