[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] もちろんアジアのスタートアップは怠け者だという訳でもない。シンガポールを拠点とするスタートアップのHope Technikは、オーナー自らがその手でロック...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2014/04/16 13:54:23 閲覧 3701回
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5 tweaks to boost productivity levels in your startup office

When was the last time you felt productive, engaged, or even happy at work? If you can’t recall those moments, don’t be alarmed – you’re in good company. According to a 142-country study done by Gallup, about 87 percent of employees around the world are not engaged at work. In particular, Asian countries perform rather poorly in this study. Southeast Asia has the largest proportion of employees who are not engaged, at 73 percent, while East Asia has the dubious honor of having the lowest number of engaged employees, at only six percent.

あなたのスタートアップ オフィスで、生産性を劇的に上昇させる5つのマイナーチェンジ


Engagement and productivity are especially important for startups, where each and every member of the team has to pull his or her own weight for things to happen. It is the founder’s job to create an office environment that helps employees to boost their productivity, and hence feel happier and more engaged.

Don’t worry – you won’t have to bust out a Google-sized budget to create a productive working environment. Simple design tweaks will do the trick just as well. Here are five fixes that will lead to a more productive and happier office environment.


1. Use the right colors

Colors are commonly associated with different states of mind. For example, red often denotes anger, aggression and even danger, giving credence to the idiom, “to see red”. As such, it makes sense to use their psychological influence to stimulate or calm your workers accordingly.

However, well-known color psychologist Angela Wright points out that, contrary to popular opinion, it is the intensity of the color that stimulates or soothes, and not so much the actual color.

“What defines whether a color is stimulating or soothing is not the color, it’s the intensity. A strong bright color will stimulate, and a color with low saturation will soothe,” she said.


例えば、赤は怒りや攻撃性、また危険性と関係し、”To see red”激怒するという熟語もある。

しかし、著名な心理学者のAngela Wright氏の指摘は通説とは違い、色の強さが心理状態に影響し色の違いそのものでは無いという。


The picture below illustrates this concept:

In an interview with A Year of Productivity, Angela breaks down exactly which colors you should go for according to the type of work done by your employees. To summarize:

・Blue with a spot of orange is good for mind-work

・Yellow is perfect for designers as it stimulates creativity

・Red would be best for any work that involves physical labor

・Green would work for accountants, or any line of work that involves the exchanging of money

Of course, these are not hard and fast rules. PapayaMobile’s CEO and founder, Si Shen, had a different take on the influence of each color that she personally selected, with the aim of livening up the office.

A Year of Productivityとのインタビューにおいて、Angela氏は従業員の行う仕事の種類に、まさしくどの色が適しているかを、色ごとに分類している。まとめると:

もちろん、これらは鉄則ではない。PapayaMobileのCEO及び創始者である Si Shen氏は、オフィスの活性化の目的で彼女自身が個人的に色を選択したが、それぞれの色が与える影響については、異なった見解を示している。

The ‘AppFlood’ room, which is their main conference room, was painted red to signify being serious and alert, as this is the place where deals may happen or important decisions are made that influence the future of PapayaMobile. Meanwhile, the color blue was chosen for the ‘Papaya Reading Room’ to represent tranquility and wisdom.

2. Allow sufficient natural light in

Common sense dictates that there should be sufficient lighting for employees to work in, or they’ll spend a substantial amount of time squinting at their screens, which isn’t the most comfortable situation.

彼らのメインのミーティングルームである‘AppFlood’ルームは、PapayaMobileに影響を与えるであろう取り引きが締結されたり、重大な決断が下される場のため、真剣さと機敏さを象徴する赤で塗装されている。一方、‘Papaya Reading’ルームは青で塗装されており、これは平静さと知恵を象徴するものとなっている。

2. 自然光を十分取り入れる


Artificial light can harm office workers’ sleep, activity and quality of life, according to a study titled “Impact of Workplace Daylight Exposure on Sleep, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life”. It reported that workers had “poorer outcomes in measures of overall sleep quality, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances and daytime dysfunction”.

Furthermore, in a recent study, scientist Mirjam Muench found that artificial light has the more immediate effect of putting people to sleep.


さらに、最近の研究では、科学者Mirjam Muench氏が人工光が人々に睡眠を促す即効性があることも証明した。

“Compared to the afternoon, people who had DL (daylight) were significantly more alert at the beginning of the evening, and subjects who were exposed to AL (artificial light) were significantly sleepier at the end of the evening,” he says.

Simply put, it would be highly beneficial to situate your employees in a space that has a generous number of windows. Alternatively, if your office space allows for it, you could opt for a few large windows instead, like Zopim has:

Zopim’s meeting rooms are also surrounded by glass walls, allowing for even more natural sunlight to stream in during meetings. With this tweak, you can be sure that less people will fall asleep during your meetings.




3. If you want them to work hard, help them play hard too All work and no play makes your workers dull. And indeed, entertainment in the office is one of the hallmarks of being an exciting startup – just look at the office of Google, with its volleyball courts and heated swimming pools. It is no coincidence that the company ranked number 1 on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2014.

3. 一生懸命働いてもらうには、遊びにも専念させること

Of course, Asian startups are no slouches either. Singapore-based startup Hope Technik surely rivals even the best the Valley has to offer as the proud owner of their very own rock-climbing wall – completely built by their own hands. All employees are given free access to the rock wall, and it is also open to their family members and friends.

The rationale behind this is simple: play boosts productivity in people, regardless of age. Dr. Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play, revealed that play can actually lower stress levels and boost both optimism as well as motivation to move up in a company. It also improves concentration and perseverance.

もちろんアジアのスタートアップは怠け者だという訳でもない。シンガポールを拠点とするスタートアップのHope Technikは、オーナー自らがその手でロッククライミングウォールを完成させ、Valleyにも同等に張り合える作業環境を提供している。全従業員はこのロックウォールを自由に利用することができ、従業員の家族や友人の利用も歓迎している。

この背景にある根本的理由はシンプルである。年齢に関係なく、遊びは人々の中に存在する生産性を促進する。National Institute for Playの創始者Dr. Stuart Brownは、実際遊びがストレスを減少させ、楽観性そして社内での出世に対するモチベーションを後押しすると明言している。また遊びは集中力と忍耐力も高める。

At the same time, not every startup needs to go as far as to put up a rock climbing wall in its office space. Dr. Brown thinks of play as a state of being, rather than something inextricably tied to cool toys and gadgets. A state of play could simply be something you do for the sake of fun, not to achieve any goals.

“If you’re engaged in it deeply, that’s play,” he says.




2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





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