After looking into your account and researching we see that if you do it in the way you described Order Details⇒Refund order⇒Cancel order⇒Buyers Cancel. This will damage your metrics, as in theory it is you that cancelled the order. The best practise way is to reply to the email and ask the buyer to click on the bottom of the page. There is a computer generated cancellation link and this will then cancel the order without hurting your metrics. Please see the screen shot "Cancellation" below to see how it looks to the buyer.
あなたのアカウントを拝見しましたが、おっしゃったようなOrder Details⇒Refund order⇒Cancel order⇒Buyers Cancel の手順でなさると、あなたのアカウントに傷がつきます。理論上はあなたがキャンセルすることになるからです。