[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Hill氏は、モバイル第一のCubieのデスクトップ付随アプリの要望を受けてはいたが、自分達で「作る計画はありませんでした」と付け加えた。 Cubi...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/10/28 09:10:17 閲覧 1684回
残り時間: 終了

Instant messenger Cubie gets grounded on the desktop

Taiwan-based Cubie, an instant messenger app, is now available on Chrome browsers. It first emerged as a side project of the company’s CTO

Chrome users, rejoice! Taiwan-based mobile messenger app Cubie is now available on the Chrome Web Store as a free extension, Cubie Lite.

Launched this morning, the desktop client wasn’t exactly planned. James Hill, International Messenger (who heads business development), Cubie, told e27 that their chief technology officer (CTO), Ingram Chen, had decided to play around with the Dart programming language and build such an extension as a side project.



Chromeユーザの方、朗報です! 台湾を拠点とするインスタントメッセージサービスのCubieはChrome Web Storeにて、無料の拡張版Cubie Liteとして利用できるようになった。

今朝のローンチで、デスクトップの顧客は実際には計画をしていなかった。CubieでInternational Messengerの (事業開発を統括している)James Hill氏は、e27に対し、 t同社チーフテクノロジーオフィサー(CTO)のIngram Chen氏がDartプログラミング言語を操作してこのような拡張版を副プロジェクトとして構築することを決めたと述べた。

Hill added that while they did receive requests for a desktop accompaniment to the mobile-first Cubie, the team “didn’t have plans to build one” themselves.

Cubie claims that its biggest market comes from Southeast Asia, with numbers strongest in Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia. Hill says that “Cubie has over nine million registered users worldwide.”

The team does not have plans to create a full desktop app, since Chrome is available on various platforms like Mac, ChromeOS, Linux or PC.




Given that Cubie has just launched the web app, Hill revealed that there are also no plans for advertising right now. He said, “We’re going see how things pan out and see if our users like using the web version first before we do anything like advertising.”

Will Cubie ever consider mobile platforms like BlackBerry or Windows? Well, probably not. Hill noted that about 90 percent of the market is on iOS or Android.


CubieはBlackBerryやWindowsといったモバイルプラットフォームを検討することはあるのだろうか? たぶんないだろう。Hill氏は市場の約90%がiOSかAndroidであると指摘した。

As the team has limitations on resources, it makes more sense to focus on the platforms with a bigger share of the market. However, he did add that this could all change in the future.

Cubie enables consumers to share photos, doodles, stickers and push-to-talk voice messages. It earns revenue through sales of its sticker sets.


Cubieでは、消費者が写真、ステッカー 、落書き、プッシュトゥートークの音声メッセージを共有することができる。同社はステッカーのセット販売で売上をあげている。


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