Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] * 両前足の、ヒトでいうと前腕の辺りのしびれるような感覚と注射の映像を受けとりました。  よくお医者さんに行って前足に注射を打つようで、それが嫌いなよう...

* 両前足の、ヒトでいうと前腕の辺りのしびれるような感覚と注射の映像を受けとりました。


胸が熱くなるような感じ。常にその感覚がある。(N said "Uの喉のリンパにガンが転移している。そのせいで声も変わっているが、この部位の腫瘍は以前より小さくなってきているし、大した事はない") NはUにマッサージもしているし、Uの食事にも気を使っているし、病院にも連れて行っている。Nに色々してもらっている、というUの感謝の気持ちが強く伝わってきました。




吐き気を抑えたい(薬のせいなら、副作用の少ない薬に変えるか、吐き気止めをもらう) 先週木曜辺りからあなたは時々吠えたり鳴いたりしているそうだけれど、


zhizi さんによる翻訳
*I sensed a feeling that U may be suffering from numbness in the forearms and their surroundings, and also received an image of injection.
U often sees her doctor and has an injection on the foreleg, but it seems that she does not like having the injection. “I know I have to stand it, but I just don’t like it.” (According to N, U used to have injections on the spot. But after she started suffering from a cancer, her blood vessels became ruined. When her blood vessel in the sport became too weak to have injection, she started having injection in other spot.)
“I have pains here and there. But it’s not a big deal.” (I sensed that U is making up for her difficulties of physical condition with her naturally strong mind and spirit.)

U seems to be bothered more with a heavy feeling in the abdomens, nausea and perianal discomfort when moving her bowels rather than physical pains.

U always has a feeling of burning in the chest. (N said, “U’s cancer has spread to her throat lymph. The metastasis has changed her voice, but the tumor there has become smaller than before and it’s not a big deal.”)
N gives U massage, pays extra attention to U’s meals, and takes U to the hospital. I sensed U’s heartfelt appreciation toward N, who does many things for U.

Would you tell me if you have specific requests that make your body feel better?
Massages are good. But I prefer thorough massages part by part instead of rubbing my whole body. For example, when N gives me massage on the ears, I want her to focus on the ears and rub them thoroughly, and the same for my legs.

I want to reduce the perianal discomfort.

I also want to get rid of nausea. (If it is because of the medicine, it is better to change it to a medicine which has less side-effect or take another medicine for nausea.)
I heard that you have been barking and crying occasionally since around the last Thursday. Would you tell me your feelings when you bark and cry?

It might have been nausea or a chest discomfort. When I bark or cry, I have some kind of discomfort somewhere in my body, and I did not mean to bark or cry, but I made some sounds unintentionally.

“You have been focused your energy on me, and we have been together. I am strong, but you are strong too, N. So it is going to be O.K. I have nothing to worry about, even for the future. We are together and we will be together, because I love you so much.”

Conyac で翻訳した結果

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zhizi zhizi