I was told it could have made it thru O`Hara International without being scanned; but that would mean it should have been scanned once it reached the mainland of Japan, I would think. It is missing. I do think the package will show up as I`ve never had a package completely disappear. We`ve had them go to the wrong country, as you know, but they do show up in the system eventually. The inquiry is supposed to take 23 days. I`m always told that and expect that. The good news is that I`ve received two calls regarding the package so it is being traced and will likely show up.
O'Hara Internationalを通じてスキャン無しで行なえると聞きました。しかし日本の本州に着いた時点で一度スキャンをされていなければならないと言う意味だと思います。それが欠けていました。今まで荷物を完全に失った事はないので、いつか出てくると思います。ご存知のように、違う国へ運ばれてしまった事はありますが、最終的にはシステム上に現れました。問い合わせは23日掛かると思われます。私はいつもそれを言われるので、そのように予想しています。いい知らせとしては、荷物について既に2回連絡を貰っているので、足取りは掴めているようですし、いずれ出てきそうです。
This was expedited so there will be a refund for the cost. I`ve had quite a few incidents like this happen in the last few years. I`m not worried they`ll find it. I`m aware that you need this package badly and am making calls frequently for updates.