ネイチャーガイドウォーク等 プログラムのコースによって、別途通行料等がかかる場合があります
You need to pay for the facility additionally when you do canoe fishing as a general rule.
If we offer you the place for the stormy weather (all weather) program, you need to pay for the place additinally.
Concerning the escorting teachers, one in twenty can join for free of charge. Lure fishing, however, he/she has to pay for the playfish ticket. And if he/she does more, we will charge him/her the same (normal) price.
There are cases where you need to pay the additional charge depending the course of the program such as Nature guide walk.
If the number of attendee is less than the minimum count, we will offer you the additional charge.
In principle, the morning course will finish by noon, and the afternoon course will start after one o'clock.