Correct: the package number belongs NOT to me.
You can track the package with dhl (which is the post agency here in Germany). Please follow this Link
You see the history of the package. For more Information you can enter the address zip code there
The zip code for me is 10715. And it doesn't match.
The provided address from amazon is correct.
That means the package was delievered to another address, to another person somewhere in Berlin.
Never the less: I will get a email notification from dhl, when package is delievered to Packstation. So I can go to fetch it. No email from dhl means that the oackage
修正: 荷物番号は私のところにはありません。
この荷物はDHLで追跡できます(この会社はドイツの郵便事業者です)。 このリンクに従ってください。