[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] モバイルは至れり。次に来るのは? mコマースはマレーシアに馴染み、成長し、オンライン小売業者が無視できないものになるだろう。 特にオンライン小...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/08/28 11:22:32 閲覧 3212回
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The state of mobile commerce in Malaysia (Part 1)

Some might say that mobile commerce has been booming in Malaysia. But is that true?

“Mobile commerce” is buzzing around in recent years but is it here already?

What is the macro environment in Malaysia? How should we anticipate the growth of m-commerce?

Mobile vs. Desktop in Malaysia

We need to first look into the behavior on how users access the Internet.

According to StatCounter, mobile usage in Malaysia has increased from 10% in May 2012 to 20 percent in May 2013, almost double within a year.




マレーシアのマクロ環境とはなにか? 我々はどのようにして、M-コマースの成長を予測するか?




That means, most likely 20 percent of your e-commerce site traffic is coming from mobile devices. Is this an indication that up to 20 percent of your online sales are made via mobile devices too?

Why is the growth so significant? Let’s look into the current state of mobile devices penetration and the projections by various research data.

Smartphone penetration in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country with relatively high mobile phone penetration rate at about 137 percent, so it is not surprising that smartphone adoption is growing rapidly here.


なぜ成長がとても重要なのか? 様々な研究データによるモバイル機器の普及率と予想から、現状について調べてみよう。



Following is the summary from selected sources:

(a) GfK Asia: “The markets with deepest smartphone penetration are Malaysia and Singapore where levels have already reached a high of 88 percent” (2012, source)

(b) Nielsen: “Malaysia smartphone penetration rate is at 27 percent” (2012, source)

(c) McCann: “Almost 60 percent of the total Malaysian population will own a smartphone in two years” (2013, source)


(a)GfK Asia:(出典年:2012)「高いスマートフォン普及率の市場があるのはマレーシアとシンガポール。すでに88%に達している。」



As for the vast disparity between GfK and Nielsen report, I tend to agree with both Nielsen and this unscientific research in which it is more logical that smartphone penetration rate in Malaysia is around 30 percent. It could be a tad higher now in 2013 since Malaysia government has provided incentives to increase smartphone use among the youth.
Based on current growth rate, it is hard to disagree with McCann’s projection that smartphone penetration rate in Malaysia will reach 60 percent in 2015.


Tablet penetration in Malaysia

What about tablet? Together with smartphone, tablet is also one of the main contributing factors to the 20 percent mobile traffic.

According to Ericsson ConsumerLab, “tablet penetration stands at nine percent of the country’s population, with potential to grow up to 29 percent in future” (2012, source).

Users consume tablet differently from smartphone so it is difficult to argue that users will prefer to shop on tablet compared to smartphone.


タブレットについてはどうか? スマートフォンと同じく、タブレットも20%のモバイルトラフィックに一役買っている要因の一つだ。

Ericsson ConsumerLabによると、「タブレットの普及率はこの国の人口の9パーセント、将来的には29%にまで成長する可能性がある。」(出典年、2012)


Mobile commerce market size in Malaysia

So, how much do Malaysians spend on their mobile devices?

According to Nielsen-PayPal Analysis, m-commerce market size in Malaysia was RM467 million in year 2011. RM337 million (72 percent) were spent on smartphones while RM108 million (23 percent) via tablets.

The total online commerce market in 2011 by referring to the same report was RM1.97 billion, that means close to 24 percent was mobile.

Nielsen-PayPal is forecasting that total e-commerce market in 2015 will be RM5.67 billion and 60 percent of it (RM3.43 billion) is mobile. A significant increase from 24 percent!



Nielsen・PayPalの分析によると、マレーシアのmコマースの市場規模は、2011年当時は4億6700万リンギットだった。 スマートフォンによる消費が3億3700万リンギット(72%)である一方、1億800万リンギット(23%)がタブレット経由で消費された。



Mobile is here, but what’s next?

M-commerce is here and will continue to grow, something that online retailers cannot afford to ignore.

Some points worth exploring in our next installment, especially from the perspective of online retailers, e-commerce providers, platforms:

1. How do Malaysians consume smartphone, tablet?
2. Mobile application, or mobile web (responsive web design)?
3. Is local online marketplace and retailers ready for mobile?
4. How to do more on mobile commerce?

Read part two of this installment: The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 2)

The post The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 1) appeared first on e-commerce milo.




1 マレーシアの人々は、どのようにスマートフォンやタブレットを利用するのか?
2 モバイルアプリやモバイルウェブは(レスポンシブWebデザイン)?
3 地域密着型オンライン市場や小売業者はモバイル向けの準備はできているのか?
4 モバイルコマースでより多くのことを行うには?

第2部を読む:The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 2)

The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 1)は、e-commerce miloに初出。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
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