・エドのいう通りペルーは文化的にとても豊かな国だね。昨日はmuseo larcoに行ったけどすごいコレクションだったよ。今回は1日半しか滞在できなかったのでとても残念ですが、必ずまた来るのでその時は是非リマを案内してください。
Japanese staff are always accompanied by their bodyguards as there are bandits even in urban city.
It is uncomfortable to be followed by bodyguard every time.
Just arrived in Chile. I am almost killed by the tough schedule at the Chile office.
As Edo mentioned, Peru is a really rich country culturally. I went to museo larco yesterday and found a lot of collections there. Unfortunately I could stay only for one and half day, but I'm sure I will be coming again, so please take me around in Lima next time.