それ程面倒では無いから大丈夫ですよ。確かに色んなお菓子があって楽しいですよね。自分は、普通に見るので、”あ、また出たな”という感じですが、特に、 季節限定のお菓子なんかは珍しいでしょうね!
It's not such a great trouble, so no problem. It's definitely fun when there are lots of different seasonal snacks/sweets. I usually see them and think "oh, they're back again", but ________ seasonal limited snacks are pretty unusual.
The giant-sized Colon are maple and cocoa flavored aren't they. I see. The Glico snacks this time have a somewhat strong taste (I've tried them).
On Monday it looks like I'll be able to give an answer on the price. I'll be in touch. Take care.