Duets: Your Messaging App Made for Singing
We know that messaging apps are hot in Asia right now. They’re so in demand these days that we even made a list of the hottest messaging apps earlier this year. But what if instead of talking to your peers, you could sing to them instead? This is now possible on Duets app.
Duets Karaoke AppDuets is a turn-based karaoke mobile app for iPhone. I’d say it’s a more entertaining way to communicate with friends than simply chatting or sending animated emoticons. Ben Wintle of Duets points out that this isn’t some sort of music game. “It’s like a messaging app, but instead of talking, you are singing to each other.”
Duetsは、順番にカラオケができるiPhone向けのモバイルアプリだ。友人とのやりとりで単にチャットを利用したり、動くエモーティコンを送るよりずっと楽しいやりとりが可能だと思う。DuetsのBen Wintle氏によると、同アプリは音楽ゲームの一種ではないそうだ。「メッセージアプリのようなものですが、会話する代わりにお互い歌を唄い合うのです。」
カラオケアプリduetsはiphone用ターン制カラオケアプリだ。私に言わせれば友達とただチャットしたり動く絵文字を交換するのより楽しいだろう。DuetsのBen Wintle氏は、これはムーシックゲームとは異なると指摘した。「これはメッセージアプリだが、会話する代わりにお互いに歌いあう」。
Why the fuss over a karaoke app?
How does it work? First, find your friends on Facebook within Duets app, choose a song from the list and sing the first verse of the song with the help of a slick karaoke-style UI. Your buddy sings the next verse. This goes on alternately to the point where the user has to buy the song to finish singing it.
When the app first launched you could only sing with friends, but now users can sing with people they don’t know within the app. You can either pick a random name from Duets’ list of users, or search by “stage names” (the app’s term for username). Ben says that when the app first came out, many users were tweeting their stage names so that strangers could start duets with them.
アプリがローンチした当初は、友人以外とは唄えなかったが、今ではアプリを使い知らない人とでも唄えるようになった。Duetsのユーザのリストからランダムにユーザを選んだり、“ステージネーム”(アプリで使用されているユーザネーム)で検索をかけることも可能だ。Ben Wintle氏によると、初めてアプリをリリースした頃は、知らない人とデュエットできるよう、多くのユーザは、ステージネームをツイートしていたそうだ。
I tried the app myself and in no time there were already a bunch of users who invited me to sing with them. If you ask me why it’s getting so much traction among Filipino users, I’d say it’s simply because Filipinos have this cultural affinity with karaoke and singing together. We don’t miss a chance to sing along with friends at any special occasion. Even restaurants cater to this. So making this functionality available on users’ smartphones through an app is a neat idea and makes it more of a social activity.
More English songs
Duets started its beta for users in the Philippines (where the app is made) last year with only 10 Filipino songs available. As it launched worldwide, the startup also secured global licensing deals with some major song publishers to build the app’s English song library. Ben admits that the biggest challenge to date has been to keep up with all the song requests they’re getting from users.
Right now, Ben says that most of their users are in the Philippines but their fastest growing source of new users is the US.
Duetsは昨年フィリピン(アプリが開発された場所)で、ユーザ向けベータ版を使ってサービスをスタートさせたが、利用できたのは、たった10曲のフィリピンの曲だけだった。世界各国にアプリがローンチされると、同スタートアップは、英語の曲のライブラリーを構築するため、大手音楽出版社と世界的なライセンス契約を結んだ。同社にとって、ユーザからの曲のリクエストに全て応えてきたことが今までで一番苦労した点だとBen Wintle氏は語った。
Ben Wintle氏によると、現在フィリピンのユーザが大部分を占めているが、新規ユーザで一番伸びているのは米国だそうだ。
The startup earlier gained funding from Skype co-founder Tovio Annus. Duets is currently fundraising and plans to expand its song library and add other major languages with the fresh funds. An Android version is also in the pipeline as well as some other social music apps.
Of course, karaoke apps are not only a trend in the Philippines. Last year, we looked at how another iPhone karaoke app got its fame in China.
Get Duets for iOS in the App Store.
iOS版DuetsのダウンロードはApp Storeで。