Pakistan’s Startup Ecosystem Has So Much Potential (INFOGRAPHIC)
Adam Dawood is the founding partner of DYL Ventures, a Pakistan-centric venture capital and consultancy firm. You can find him on Twitter as @adamdawood.
Continuing our series of posts on Pakistan’s internet industry we have created an infographic that shows how and why Pakistan could be on the cusp of huge internet growth. With a population actually much greater than the reported 180 million, and with fast-growing mobile and mobile internet usage, Pakistan has a large body of users who are getting comfortable using online services.
Adam Dawood氏は、パキスタンを中心に活動するベンチャーキャピタル兼コンサルタント会社DYL Venturesの共同設立者である。Twitterでは@ adamdawoodで見つけることができる。
As this trend continues and the community continues to strengthen its bonds by hosting startup events such as the recent hackathon where entrepreneurs came together to beat corruption, these opportunities will lead to collaboration and a larger community in which to share ideas. This community of mentors and investors can then help entrepreneurs like Faizan Buzdar to grow their startups in Pakistan so that world-class startups such as Convo start in Pakistan, rather than in Silicon Valley.
このトレンドが継続し、先ごろのハッカソン(腐敗を正すために起業家が集まった)のようなスタートアップイベントが開催されることによりユーザーの絆が強まるにつれ、これらの機会がコラボレーションやアイディアを共有するより大きなコミュニティの誕生につながるだろう。そして、指導者や投資家からなるこのコミュニティは、Convoのような世界に通用するスタートアップがシリコンバレーではなくパキスタンで起業するようになるようにFaizan Buzdar氏のような起業家がパキスタンでスタートアップを育て上げるのを支援することができる。
Here’s our infographic that includes demographics, co-working spaces, leading VCs, and some stats for early successes like and Check it out:
Disclosure: Adam was one of the first employees of and its former product manager for over six months. Please see our ethics statement for further information.
For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.