Ian Watkins, frontman of Lostprophets (pictured, center) appeared in court today and denied 23 charges of sexual offenses against children, according to the BBC News. He also denied a 24th charge of possessing extreme pornographic images involving animals.
Watkins was detained last December on charges that he, along with two unnamed female accomplices, had conspired to rape minors (one of whom was an infant) and had been in possession of and distributing indecent images of children.
BBCニュースによれば、Lostprophets のフロントマンIan Watkins(写真、中央)は今日、法廷に出席し、子どもに対する性犯罪23容疑を否認した。彼は、獣姦を含む著しく猥雑なポルノ画像を所有しているという24番目の容疑についても否定した。
The band has since shut down their official website. "[W]e find ourselves in a state of shock. We are learning about the details of the investigation along with you. It is a difficult time for us and our families, and we want to thank our fans for their support as we seek answers."
Fearless Records also commented, "At this stage, the situation is in the hands of legal advisors and we trust them to do their due diligence in this matter."
Fearless Recordsも「現段階では、状況は顧問弁護士が取り扱っています。我々は、彼らがこの問題について自分たちの適切な注意義務を全うすると信じています。」とコメントした。