You have received an e-mail because we miss some information to be added in your seller's account. Unfortunately, some more information shall be added. /if you have already inserted these information and these are not displayed, please wait 24 hours till these are processed by the system/
Please note that in accordance with German legislation shall be added in particular following information to the information about the seller:
- information about the seller according to the German Fernabsatzgesetze /legislation on sale on distance and consumer protection/
- name and the legal form of the company
- ドイツのFernabsatzgesetze(即ち遠距離販売に関する法律)および消費者保護法に従ったセラーに関する情報
company address and the direct contact (Telephone/Fax, E-Mail)
- information about the registration of the company as business register, VAT register and any other relevant register
- information about the executives of the company
- another additional compulsory information according to the German law
Please note that the seller support service cannot provide you with the exhaustive list of the information which shall be added here, since it is a legal question about which we are not able to provide any advisory. Therefore, in case you are not sure which additional information shall be saved here, please consult an expert in German law. Please provide us with the information in correct German.