Annual Report 2011:
Welcome to Social Entertainment
The most detailed set of data on your online audience ever compiled
2011: 90K web users | 26 markets | 3 Waves of Data
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The first year of the GlobalWebIndex has revealed three clear trends in the consumer adoption of the internet. In combination they are driving a new age of social
entertainment through internet platforms. In this report, we analyse the current global situation and the opportunities for the future for professional media, content
producers and brands:
Social media has reached mass maturity. Today it’s no longer about massive growth but a shift of already active social consumers to ‘real-time’ technologies, such
as status updates or tweets. The old view of text-based social media, defined by blogs and forums, is being surpassed, moving the impact of social media, from
creating content and publishing to sharing other people’s content and ‘live’ opinions about real-world events. In short ‘real-time’ is re-orientating consumer from creator
to distributor and moving the focus to traditional media and professional content.
The open browser-based web is losing out to packaged internet platforms such as mobile apps, internet connected TVs, tablets, e-readers, pc apps, gaming and
video platforms. These packaged platforms are re-engineering the internet and destroying the notion of the internet being a singular entity. Crucially for the
entertainment revolution, they provide professional media with the means to create sustainable internet business models, something the economics of the
browser-based web totally failed to enable.
Professional “traditional style” content is now a core part of the consumer online experience. Internet platforms, for hundreds of millions of consumers, are
increasingly the entertainment platform of choice. This is due to continual growth of professional content in video sites (legal and illegal), the rise of ‘real-time’, and the
growth of packaged platforms.