当社はネバダ州の会社ですが、社長の私が日本在住の為Billing Addressが日本の住所になっています。その為Billing Informationがうまく入力できませんでした。
当社のPrinciple Business Addressはネバダ州でネバダ州の銀行で発行したVISAデビットカードを持っていますが、そのカードもBilling Addressは日本です。
商品のShipping Addressはフロリダ州です
This company is a company in Nevada, but as I (CEO) am currently staying in Japan so the Billing Address is a Japan address. That is why I couldn't key in the Billing Information properly.
What should I do if I want to purchase through your website?
This company's principle business address is in Nevada, and I own a VISA debit card issued from Nevada bank, but the card's billing address is also in Japan.
The shipping address for the item is Florida.