[英語からネイティブ 日本語への翻訳依頼] ある人が4秒で書い文も、翻訳するのに1時間かかるかもしれません。 翻訳は簡単ではありません。我々はウェブサイトで、翻訳者に翻訳ヘルプサービスを提供してい...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は tatsuoishimura さん kenji614 さん sachin さん yui701 さん hiroyuqui38 さん arumine さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2544文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 16時間 53分 です。

[削除済みユーザ]による依頼 2013/04/17 23:53:36 閲覧 2175回
残り時間: 終了


we don’t do typical days! The life of a translator changes depending on the work they have on, and there is no nine to five. So you have to be flexible and resilient, and since I work alone most of the time, you need to be disciplined. When the workload is big and deadlines are tight, you need to work around the clock – coffee is often the only friend in your life.

A good tip here is printing out your work and going to the cafe or better, the pub, and reading through the translation – it helps you see it better. The beauty is, though, that we can generally work from anywhere, and this can help you distance yourself from the work.

翻訳家には典型的な1日などありません! 翻訳家の生活は取り組んでいる仕事によって変わり、定時といったものはないのです。だから柔軟かつ快活でなくてはなりません。またほとんどの時間を一人で過ごすため、規律を守る必要があります。仕事量が多く締め切りがきつい時は、休みなく働かなくてはなりません。コーヒーが唯一の友であることもしばしばです。


I get a lot of legal documents in, which can be tedious but it’s not difficult and there is a lot of demand. But in general, 80% of the volume of translation on a global level is technical, so I do a lot of that, and it interests me.

I have worked at conferences on an EU level, and you meet interesting people there. Barroso, the ex-European president, I’ve met him. I interpreted for a tour guide in a mine once – fascinating stuff, and really tests your technical vocabulary, too. And I have interpreted for David Copperfield, the illusionist, at a show in my home town. I would say that as a translator, and especially as an interpreter, you do get around more than other people, and learn about a lot of things


わたしはEUの会議で働いたことがあります。そこでは面白い人たちに会えます。わたしは元欧州大統領のBarroso氏に会い、鉱山のツアーガイドとして通訳を務めました。魅力的な仕事で、専門的なボキャブラリーが問われます。私の地元で行われたショーで、イリュージョニストのDavid Copperfieldの通訳をしたこともあります。翻訳家そして特に通訳者は、他の人たちよりもたくさんの場所を歩きまわり、たくさんのものごとを学ぶことになります。

I’ve often wondered, what do translators do when they don’t know how to translate something?

It happens more than you’d think! It’s not like we’ve got a little babelfish in our ear or it all just comes to you. Translators are investigators. We use the internet of course, and certain software that helps us get things done, but it’s all about having a network of contacts and buddies really, making phone calls, sometimes physically going somewhere to see things with your own eyes in order to understand how they work.



A sentence that it took a person four seconds to write might take an hour to translate. It’s not easy. We offer a translation help service to translators on our website, where translators who are stuck can use the contact form on our site and we will try to help them come up with the right answer.

Translation is a highly competitive business, but a good one. It can be boring sometimes when you’re working all hours and alone at home but it’s fun when you work in a team and can solve problems together and discuss what’s the right way to express something. Translators learn a lot about all kinds of different things, which makes us quite good guests at a dinner party






ですます調でお願いします。意訳で結構ですので、あまり一語一語律儀に訳す必要はありません。I やYouの翻訳はなるべく省略してください。


  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
