[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Yang Senmiao 年齢:27 創設者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)、BlingStorm カジュアルゲームは一般的に良いドル箱だ。同社のiPho...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/03/29 11:50:38 閲覧 2122回
残り時間: 終了

15 Web Entrepreneurs Under 30 Doing Awesome Stuff in China

Forbes just put up a list of 30 young disruptors in China working across all kinds of fields. But its list gives no information about any of the entrepreneurs’ ventures – and all its links are broken – so it’s done rather badly.

So we decided to pick out the individuals who’ve specifically created web startups, check out their sites and services, and see what these youngsters are working on. The end result is 15 web entrepreneurs under 30 in China that we should look out for this year.




It’s noticeable that quite a few of them are working on globally-minded businesses. Here are the 15 people and their startups, some of which will be familiar to regular readers:

Zhang Lianglun

Age: 26
CEO, Mizhe

As we noted earlier this year, Mizhe is a unique site, a sort of online shopping guide that offers discounts for shoppers on top Chinese e-commerce sites. It raised about US$1.6 million from IDG Capital at the start of this year.


Zhang Lianlun(張良論)氏


今年、私達が指摘したように、Mizheはユニークなサイトで、中国の一流eコマースサイトで買い物をする人にディスカウントを提供する、いわばオンラインショッピングガイドのようなサービスだ。同スタートアップは、今年の始めにIDG Capitalからおよそ160万米ドルを調達した。

Shi Kaiwen

Age: 23
Founder, Jing.fm

Jing.fm is perhaps China’s coolest music streaming startup and something that I use often for background music when writing. It’s a bit like Grooveshark, really.

But with Chinese consumers being so unwilling to pay up for web-based content like music – or anything digital – Jing.fm will need to find a revenue stream to keep the music flowing.

Huang Kai

Age: 27
Chief designer, Yoka Games

If there’s any group of online consumers in China that are actually willing to pay up, it’s MMO gamers. And that’s the target audience for the Yoka Games online store, selling real-world gaming merchandise to fans of virtual adventures.

Shi Kaiwen(施凱文)氏




Huang Kai(黄剴)氏

Yoka Games(游卡桌游)チーフデザイナー

中国で実際にお金を使いたがる消費者グループがあるとしたら、それはMMOのゲーマー達だろう。彼らこそが、Yoka Gamesのオンラインストアがターゲットにしているグループで、同サービスはバーチャルアドベンチャーゲームのファンに実世界で遊べるゲーム商品を販売している。

Ji Yichao

Age: 20
Founder, Peak Labs

Backed by Sequoia/Zhenfund money, Peak labs is the creation of US-China educated Ji Yichao and it makes some pretty impressive apps for iOS. Chief among these is Mammoth Browser for iOS which hit the headlines in 2011 because Ji developed the eye-candy browser while still in high school. In our interview with him, Ji told us that he made the app because he felt that multi-tab browsing on mobile was a nightmare, which was certainly true at the time.

Ji Yichao(季逸超)氏

Peak Labs創設者

SequoiaとZhenfundからの出資を受けているPeak Labsは、アメリカと中国で教育を受けたJi Yichao氏が生み出したスタートアップで、iOS向けにかなり素晴らしいアプリを制作している。その中でも傑出しているのがiOS向けのMammoth Browserで、2011年にメディアの見出しを飾った。Ji氏が、まだ高校生の時に視覚的なブラウザを開発したからだ。私達が同氏をインタビューをした時、彼は、同アプリを作った理由について、モバイルデバイス上でのマルチタブのブラウジングが本当にやっかいだと感じたからだと語った。(当時は確かにそうだった。)

Chen Ou

Age: 29
Founder, Jumei

China’s daily deals industry is a tough business to be in where the top players pull in over $30 million per day in revenue, and everyone else is left fighting for scraps. That’s unless you’re a highly specialized site that ignores all those cheap restaurant deals – which is exactly what Jumei does. Instead, it focuses on deals for well-known brands of make-up and skincare items at very persuasive prices.

Chen Ou(陳欧)氏



Lin Zuoyi

Age: 27
Founder, Alishunlin Furniture

This is an online furniture store that sells only its own-brand creations, with an emphasis, as the “mu” in its name suggests, on wooden items.

Liu Chengcheng

Age: 24
Founder and CEO, 36Kr

This tech and startup blog is a nice breath of fresh air in China’s regurgitation machine of a media landscape. Ignoring the usual copy-paste malarkey among web portals, it positions itself as a sort of Chinese-language TechCrunch with a mix of local and global tech news thrown in. We like it.

Lin Zuoyi(林佐義)氏

Alishunlin Furniture(林氏木業家具)創設者

Alishunlin Furnitureはオンラインの家具ストアで、独自のブランド家具のみを販売している。同社の名前にある「木」という言葉が示す通り、木製家具の販売に力を入れている。

Liu Chengcheng(劉成誠)氏



Luo Yi

Age: 29
Founder and president, Beely

As with the furniture business mentioned above, Beely makes its own-brand items – this time for skincare products. It’s a very tough area in which to build up trust, especially as stores and other online outlets are filled with skincare items that might’ve been mixed by a farmer with a random assortment of chemicals in a barrel. It’s difficult to see how this can work for Beely without some very specific angle – like using only organic raw materials or something.

Luo Yi氏

Rick Olson

Age: 29
Founder and CEO, Yun.io

Laowai! Yes, there’s even a foreigner on the list in the form of the guy behind the cloud backups startup that we reviewed back in 2011. Since then, Yun.io has doubled its free storage to 10GB, but is now also up against major competition, such as Baidu’s fairly recent Dropbox clone.

Pan Hao

Age: 29
Founder and director, Seeed Studio

Taking on the might of Alibaba’s B2B platform for sourcing goods from China, Seed Studio focuses on one very niche area – the bits and pieces needed by electricians, engineers, and hardware hackers. All its products come from various Chinese manufacturers and are snapped up at wholesale prices by overseas buyers.

Rick Olson氏
老外! そう、リストには非中国人もいるのだ。2011年に遡って評価したクラウドバックアップのスタートアップの立役者だ。それ以来、Yun.ioは無料ストレージを10GBに倍増するだけでなく、ごく最近、BaiduのDropboxのクローンなどとの大競争に巻き込まれている。

Pan Hao氏
創設者兼取締役、Seeed Studio
中国から商品を調達するAlibabaのB2Bプラットフォームの力を引継ぎ、Seed Studioは非常にニッチな領域に焦点を当てている―電気技師、エンジニア、およびハードウェアハッカーにニーズのあるこまごまとした物だ。すべての製品が様々な中国の製造業者から納品され、その卸売価格に海外のバイヤーが飛びついてくるのだ。

Wang Bin

Age: 28
Founder, Alterniva China

Alterniva is another one on this list that looks to overseas clients. It makes Flash-based physics engines for games, with an emphasis on enabling quality 3D gaming in the browser.

Wang Wenji

Age: 27
Founder and CEO, RabbiBox

No, this startup doesn’t bring a rabbi to your door – imagine what a mecheieh that would be – and instead delivers a boxful of childens’ toys. Following the subcom business model, monthly gift subscriptions are available for about $30 per month.

Wang Bin氏
創設者、Alterniva China

Wang Wenji氏

Yang Senmiao

Age: 27
Founder and CEO, BlingStorm

Casual games are usually a good cash-cow, and that’s the area being tackled by its iPhone and iPad games, which are free but monetize by in-app payments.

Zhang Xuhao

Age: 27
Founder and CEO, Ele.me

Ele.me – which means “Are you hungry?” in Chinese – is like Rocket Internet’s Foodpanda in that it coordinates with restaurants to let people order food online for takeout delivery. It’s currently running in seven Chinese cities with an initial focus on affordable food items.

Yang Senmiao

Zhang Xuhao
Ele.me―「おなかすいている?」を意味する中国語―は、Rocket InternetのFoodpandaに似て、レストランに食事のデリバリー注文をすることができる。現在、手頃な価格の食品にまず注目し、中国の7都市で運営されている。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。




  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
