I have been a fan of Taylor guitars for a number of years. In taking the 814ce for a test drive, my love for Taylor is now not just in its amazing playability. It is now shared with the tonal balance and amazing electronics, known as the Taylor Expression System.
The 814ce has a well-pronounced low end, sweet mids, and a clear, responsive upper frequency range. I was so amazed by this guitar's ability to fill the room in such a powerful and beautiful way. The beauty this instrument displays externally is well matched in its audible quality. Putting this instrument down grew more difficult the longer I played.
Taylorギターのファンになってもうしばらく経ちます。814ceを実験台としてみましたが、Taylorギターへの愛情は、今では、ギターの持つその驚くべき演奏に対する可能性だけではなくなりました。わたしのギターへの愛情は、現在では、音色のバランスとすばらしい電気制御機能がともにすばらしさを引き立て合っている、Taylor Expression Systemとして知られるシステムにも注がれています。
814ce は、はっきりとした低音域、やわらかな中音域、冴えた反応の良い高音の域を持ってます。わたしは力強く、また美しく、その音色を響かせるこのギターのもつ力にあっと驚かされました。
Once I plugged this instrument into my studio, I was sold! I have never heard a system with such tonal control as the Taylor Expression System. The fact that there were only three controls made me a little skeptical at first. However, once it was plugged in I realized there wasn't need for any more than that.
This guitar responds best when put to use in finger style and mid to light strumming situations. However, in my ventures with the instrument, I found it adapted well to any style that I threw at it.
Taylor Expression Systemのように音の調整ができるシステムは、今まで聞いたことがなかったのです。