[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 将軍達の皆国益のために奮闘しているといった共通の口実が、どちらについても祖国のために奉仕できるという考えの下、脱走を容易にした。この事実を理解すると将軍た...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さんの 1人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2067文字

symeによる依頼 2013/03/05 07:42:51 閲覧 821回
残り時間: 終了

The common pretence of the generals that they were all striving for the good of the country made desertion easy in the thought that one could serve his country in any party. Understanding these facts the generals tolerated this behaviour, for they knew that their authority over their armies depended on donatives rather than on law.Thus, everything was torn in factions, and the armies indulged in insubordination toward the leaders of the factions, while famine began to afflict Rome, the supplies by sea being cut off by Pompeius, and Italian agriculture ruined by the wars. Whatever food was produced was consumed by the troops. Most of them committed robberies by night in the city.


There were acts of violence worse than robbery which went unpunished, and these were supposed to have been committed by soldiers. The people closed their shops and drove the magistrates from their places as though there were no need of courts of justice, or of useful arts, in a city oppressed by hunger and infested with brigands.Lucius Antonius, who was a republican and ill affected toward the triumvirate, which seemed not likely to come to an end at the appointed time, fell into controversy, and even graver differences, with Octavian. He alone received kindly, and promised aid to the agriculturists who had been deprived of their lands and who were now the suppliants of every man of importance;

強盗よりももっとひどい暴力行為が行なわれたが罰せられず、それらは兵士によって行なわれると考えられていた。市民は店を閉め、裁判所や実用芸術など必要ないかのように治安判事は追い出され、街を空腹が襲い、盗賊がはびこった。共和党員で指定された期間に終わりそうにない三頭政治を快く思っていなかったLucius Antoniusは論争に入り、Octavianとは一層深刻な不和の仲となった。Octavian一人が今やあらゆる重要人物の懇願者となった、耕地を取り上げられた農場主らを親切に受け入れて支援を約束し、

and they promised to carry out his orders. So Antony's soldiers, and Octavian also, blamed him for working against Antony's interests, and Fulvia blamed him for stirring up war at an inopportune time, until Manius maliciously changed her mind by telling her that as long as Italy remained at peace Antony would stay with Cleopatra, but that if war should break out there he would come back speedily. Then Fulvia, moved by a woman's jealousy, incited Lucius to discord. While Octavian was leading out the last of the colonies she sent the children of Antony, together with Lucius, to follow him, so that he should not acquire too great éclat with the army by being seen alone.






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