Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 両軍とも同じくらい船体に打撃を受けた。Salvidienusは海峡の向かいのBalarusに撤退し、残った損傷を受けたり壊れたりした船団を修理した。Oct...

The ships suffered about equally on both sides. Salvidienus retired to the port of Balarus, facing the straits, where he repaired what was left of his damaged and wasted fleet.When Octavian arrived he gave a solemn promise to the inhabitants of Rhegium and Vibo that they should be exempt from the list of prizes of victory, for he feared them on account of their nearness to the straits. As Antony had sent him a hasty summons, he set sail to join the latter at Brundusium, having Sicily and Pompeius on his left hand; and postponing the conquest of the island for the time being. On the approach of Octavian, Murcus withdrew a short distance from Brundusium in order that he might not be between Antony and Octavian, and there he watched for the passage of the transports that were carrying the army across from Brundusium to Macedonia.The latter were escorted by triremes,but a strong and favourable wind having sprung up they darted across fearlessly,needing no escort.Murcus was vexed,but he lay in wait for the empty ships on their return.Yet these returned, took on board the remainder of the soldiers,and crossed again with full sails until the whole army,together with Octavian and Antony, had passed over.Although Murcus recognized that his plans were frustrated by some fatality,he held his position nevertheless, in order to hinder as much as possible the passage of the enemy's munitions and supplies, or supplementary troops. Domitius Ahenobarbus was sent by Brutus and Cassius to co-operate with him in this work, which they deemed most useful, together with fifty additional ships, one legion, and a body of archers; for as the triumvirs did not have a plentiful supply of provisions from elsewhere, it was deemed important to cut off their convoys from Italy.And so Murcus and Domitius, with their 13 war ships and a still greater number of small ones, and their large military force, sailed hither and thither harassing the enemy. Meanwhile Decidius and Norbanus, whom Octavian and Antony had sent in advance with eight legions to Macedonia, proceeded from that country a distance of 150 stades toward the mountainous part of Thrace until they had passed beyond the city of Philippi,and seized the passes of the Corpilans and the Sapaeans,tribes under the rule of Rhascupolis,where lies the only known route of travel from Asia to Europe.Here was the first obstacle encountered by Brutus and Cassius after they had crossed over from Abydus to Sestus.Rhascupolis and Rhascus were brothers of the royal family of Thrace,ruling one country.They differed in opinion at that time in regard to the proper alliance.Rhascus had taken up arms for Antony and Rhascupolis for Cassius,each having 30 horse.When the Cassians came to inquire about the roads,Rhascupolis told them that the one by way of Aenus and Maronea was the short and usual and most travelled route.
3_yumie7 さんによる翻訳
BrutusとCassiusはこれに協力するため最も役に立つを思われるDomitius Ahenobarbusを追加で船50隻、1レギオン、射手1団を持たせて送り込んだ。三執政官の方は、どこからも軍需物資の十分な提供はなく、敵のイタリアからの物資の護送を絶つことが重要だと思われた。そこで、MurcusとDomitiusは戦艦13隻と、多くの小規模の船、大勢の兵とともにあちらこちらに動き回り敵を攻撃した。一方、あらかじめOctavianとAntonyが8レギオンと共にMacedoniaに送っていたDecidiusとNorbanusはMacedoniaからThrace の山岳地域に150スタジアの距離まで進軍し、

Conyac で翻訳した結果

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3_yumie7 3_yumie7