[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] ActiumでAntonyを打倒したとの知らせをOctavianから受け取ると、Ciceroは執政官としてそれをローマ市民に発表し、以前彼の父親の頭が晒さ...

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symeによる依頼 2013/02/23 22:45:20 閲覧 1372回
残り時間: 終了

When the news of the overthrow of Antony at Actium was forwarded by Octavian this same Cicero, as consul, announced it to the people and affixed it to the rostra where formerly his father's head had been exhibited. Appius distributed his goods among his slaves and then sailed with them to Sicily. Being overtaken by a storm, the slaves formed a plot to get possession of his money, and placed Appius in a small boat, pretending to transfer him to a safer place; but it turned out that he reached the port most unexpectedly, while their ship was wrecked and they all perished. Publius, quaestor of Brutus, was solicited by the party of Antony to betray his chief, but refused, and was for that reason proscribed.


Afterward he was restored to citizenship and became a friend of Octavian. Once when Octavian came to visit him Publius displayed some images of Brutus, and Octavian praised him for doing so.The above are some of the most remarkable cases where the proscribed were lost or saved. Many others I have omitted. In the meantime, while these transactions were taking place at Rome, all the outlying countries were torn by hostilities growing out of the same commotion. Chief among these wars was that in Africa between Cornificius and Sextius, that in Syria between Cassius and Dolabella, and that against Pompeius around Sicily. Many cities suffered the calamity of capture.


I shall pass by the smaller ones and confine myself to the largest,and especially the very celebrated captures of Laodicea, Tarsus, Rhodes, Patara, and Xanthus. I shall relate briefly what took place at each of these.That part of Africa which the Romans took from the Carthaginians they still call Old Africa. The part that belonged to King Juba, and which was taken by Gaius Caesar at a later period, they call for that reason New Africa; it might also be called Numidian Africa. Accordingly Sextius, who held the government of New Africa, being appointed by Octavian, summoned Cornificius to abandon Old Africa to him because the whole country had been assigned to Octavian in the allotment of the triumvirs.

その中の小さなものは省略して最大のものに限って記そうと思う。中でもよく知られているのはLaodicea、Tarsus、Rhodes、Patara、Xanthusの占領だ。ローマ人がカルタゴ人から占領したアフリカの地方は現在でも旧アフリカと呼ばれている。Juba王が所有し、のちの時代にGaius Caesarが占領した地域はそのような理由から新アフリカと呼ばれ、ヌミディアアフリカとも呼ばれている。それに従い、Octavianに指名されて新アフリカを治めることになったSextiusは、三執政官の土地分割によって国全体がOctavianに分け与えられたので旧アフリカ地域を譲渡するようCornificiusに要求した。





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