[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 三執政官らはこの件につき市民に演説を行ない、彼らの財産の査定を行なうために1400人の最も裕福な女性が必要で、軍役に提供するために、各執政官はそれだけの取...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さんの 1人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2068文字

symeによる依頼 2013/02/23 00:20:59 閲覧 762回
残り時間: 終了

The triumvirs addressed the people on this subject and published an edict requiring 1400 of the richest women to make a valuation of their property, and to furnish for the service of the war such portion as triumvirs should require from each. It was provided further that if any should conceal their property or make a false valuation they should be fined, and that rewards should be given to informers, whether free persons or slaves. The women resolved to beseech the women-folk of the triumvirs. With the sister of Octavian and the mother of Antony they did not fail, but they were repulsed from the doors of Fulvia, the wife of Antony, whose rudeness they could scarce endure.


They then forced their way to the tribunal of the triumvirs in the forum, the people and the guards dividing to let them pass. There, through the mouth of Hortensia, whom they had selected to speak, they spoke as follows: "Why should we pay taxes?"While Hortensia thus spoke the triumvirs were angry that women should dare to hold a public meeting when the men were silent; that they should demand from magistrates the reasons for their acts, and themselves not so much as furnish money while the men were serving in the army. They ordered the lictors to drive them away from the tribunal, which they proceeded to do until cries were raised by the multitude outside,


when the lictors desisted and the triumvirs said they would postpone till the next day the consideration of the matter.On the following day they reduced the number of the women,who were to present a valuation of their property,from 1400 to 400, and decreed that all men who possessed more than 100 drachmas,both citizens and strangers,priests,and men of all nationalities without a single exception,should (under the same dread of penalty and also of informers) lend them at interest a fiftieth part of their property and contribute one year's income to the war expenses.Such calamities befell the Romans from the orders of the triumvirs;but even worse ones were visited upon them by the soldiers in disregard of orders.

束桿捧持者が諦めると、執政官らはこの件については翌日まで検討を延期すると述べた。翌日、執政官らは財産査定の女性の数を1400人から400人に減らし、市民、外国人、僧侶、全ての国籍の者で100ドラクマ以上所有する者は例外なく(刑罰の恐ろしさと情報者への褒美は同じ条件で) 財産の15分の1を払い、戦費として1年間の収入を差し出すようにさせた。執政官らの命令によりローマ市民はこのような災難を蒙った。だが、命令を無視して最も貧しい者でさえ、兵士らの検閲を受けた。





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