
Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] この容疑をでっち上げた男は他の者と組んでさらに進もうとしており、もし彼が軍隊を恐れていなければ最初からこれを仕組もうとしたことは明らかだった。その結果、O...

It was manifest that a man who had concocted this charge would go further to others and that he would have been eager to do this from the first if he had not had to fear the army. Accordingly Octavian was filled with righteous indignation against Antonius and with some concern for his own person, now that the other's intention had become plain. Reviewing all contingencies, he saw that he must not remain quiet, for this was not safe, but that he must seek out some aid wherewith to oppose the other's power and strategems. So then, reflecting upon this quesiton, he decided that he had better take refuge in his father's colonies, where his father had granted allotments and founded cities, to remind the people of Caesar's beneficence and to bewail his fate and his own sufferings, and thkus to secure their support, attracting them also by gifts of money. He thought that this would be his only safe course, that it would redound greatly to his fame, and that it would also redeem the prestige of his family. It was a far better and juster course than to be pushed aside out of his inherited honor by men who had no claim to it, and finally to be foully and nefariously slain just as his father had been. After consulting over this with his friends and after sacrificing, with good fortune, to the gods, that they might be his assistants in his just and glorious endeavor, he set out, taking with him a considerable sum of money, first of all into Campania where were the Seventh and Eighth Legions (for that is what the Romans call their regiments). He thought that he ought first to sound the feelings of the Seventh, for its fame was greater, and with this colony aligned in his favor, and many others with it . . . . . [lacuna] and in this plan and in the events that followed, he had the approval of his friends. These were: Marcus Agrippa, Lucius Maecenas, Quintus Juventius, Marcus Modialius, and Lucius.
3_yumie7 さんによる翻訳
この考えを友人に相談し、彼の公正で輝かしい試みに幸運にも加勢を賜るであろう神々にささげものをした後、多額の金を持って出発し、まず第7レギオン、第8レギオン(ローマ人は連隊をそう呼んでいた)の駐屯するCampaniaに入った。Octavianはまず第7レギオンの感触を探るべきだと考えた。それは第7レギオンの方がその名が広く知られ、植民地は自分に有利な位置にあり、他に多くの良い条件がそろっていたからだ. . . . .(脱落)そして彼はこの計画とそれに続く出来事について友人の賛同を得た。その友人とはMarcus Agrippa、Lucius Maecenas、Quintus Juventius、Marcus Modialius、Luciusだ。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
3_yumie7 3_yumie7