
Speakeraggio, lettura testi.

3,000円 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
Creo file audio con la mia voce parlata per speakerate e lettura testi, libro parlato, audiolibri etc.
La mia esperienza con la voce parlata varia dalle pièce teatrali leggere, al corso di doppiaggio cinematografico, al libro parlato per i non vedenti, alle speakerate per audiovisivi tecnici, allo spot radiofonico, fino ai progetti su Conyac.
Ho una voce femminile con registro centrale e timbro contraltile ma non molto scuro.


イタリア語 (native) 英語 スペイン語
生物 医療 音楽 文化 旅行・観光 マニュアル
I was born and raised in Florence, Italy.
My social environment has always been multicultural and I attended the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature for a couple of years, travelling a lot in the '90s and the years 2000s.
In the same period and more recently, I translated and summarized part of books about various subjects and scientific articles (medical) for some friends, getting experienced in translating from English to Italian.
I'm at present a freelance translator for Conyac, providing accurate translations, editing, proof reading, producing variations in my main pair languages: English and Italian; besides I have experience as a speaker and I can produce voice files for readings, books for blind people, radio commercials and so on, mainly in Italian but in a neutral English accent, too.
My educational and professional background includes a dubbing course, where I learnt to speak for recording with the right elocution standards (Italian); early music singing, Natural Sciences university courses; I've worked for 15 years with disabled kids and I've been into special education professionally, particularly with Deaf people.
I'm a professional "Communication Assistant for Deaf people in LIS (Italian Sign Language)" and a "Musictherapist".
My interests are disparate: zoology, camino de Santiago de Compostela, vocal ensembles, musictherapy, linguistics & languages, vegetable gardening and much more.
I move in town by bicycle.
Read "My product", too. ;)
Thank you for choosing me.

tags: speaker, readings, voice files, recordings, translations, variations, editing, sbobinature, text extraction, audio files, english, italian, spanish, elocution, speakeraggio, lettura testi, libro parlato.