Eiko (gloria) Translations

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gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Zynga also reports a non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) measure, which it calls Bookings. In this sense, it is joiningother recent Net IPO filers like Groupon, which also put forth their own non-GAAP measure of revenues. In Zynga’s case, Bookings make it look even bigger. For instance, total Bookings in 2010 were $838.9 million, or 40 percent higher than its $597.5 million in revenues.

Zynga defers the recognition of all of its revenues, which is actually a more conservative accounting approach and is a godo thing. But it still wants to get credit for what it could have recognized, so it reports Bookings as well. It’s kind of like a way for Zynga to pat itself on the back in its financials.


Zyngaは非一般会計原則方針を報告しており、それをブッキングスと呼んでいる。この意味では、同じく非一般会計原則の方針を示しているグルーポンのような最近のNET IPO(純新規株式公開)の申請者の仲間に加わっているといえる。Zyngaの場合、ブッキングスのせいで実際よりも大きく見えるようになっている。たとえば、2010年のブッキングスは総計8億3,890万ドルで、収益では5億9,750万ドルより40%高くなっている。


gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The difference between active users and unique users is that active users are counted per game, whereas a unique user might play more than one game. In other words, there is an overlap in active users. In March, 2011, 146 million people played one or more Zynga games. So Zynga makes about $1.60 per user per quarter.

Zynga’s cash flows from “financing activities” was twice as big in Q1 than from operating activities, which is interesting. In the filing, Zynga discloses that it sold $287.2 million worth of marketable securities in the first quarter, primarily related to a $485 million financing which it raised during the quarter (but it also repurchased $261 million worth of stock in the same period).




gloria English → Japanese
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As you can see in the graphs we’ve made above and below using data from Zynga’s S-1 filing today, the company has grown its way to profitability, even as it faces an increasing set of costs associated with the business. Total revenue is climbing towards $250 million per quarter, and since last year it has been handily beating total costs.

Digging into the costs, you can see in the second graph that research and development has taken a bigger place at Zynga, which isn’t surprising given its push to improve its technology, build higher-quality games, and expand into new areas like mobile and a site it is reportedly working on called ZLive.




gloria English → Japanese
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Flat Growth, Booming Revenue: 11 Facts From The Zynga IPO Filing

Zynga has filed for a $1 billion IPO. If all goes according to plan, the social gaming juggernaut could be worth more than $15 billion.
Zynga’s impressive stats are part of the reason for its sky-high valuation. With 232 million monthly active users and $597 million in revenue last year alone, it’s no surprise that so many people are interested in getting a piece of the action.
But when we dug into Zynga’s nearly 200-page S-1 filing, we found a more complicated picture. Zynga’s user base hasn’t grown in the last year, for example, but its revenue has skyrocketed.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

4. CEO Mark Pincus has absolute control over Zynga. While he only owns 16% of the company’s Class B shares, he also has 100% of Zynga’s class C shares. That means he has absolute voting control and will retain it even after the IPO.

5. We waste lots of time in Zynga games. 38,000 virtual items are created every second. More importantly, Zynga’s players spend a total of 2 billion minutes on the service every day.

6. Zynga boasts 416 million interactions between its users every day. “Historically, our players have created over 4 billion neighbor connections,” the company said in its filing.” We’re not sure what constitutes a neighbor connection, but fostering billions of connections per week is impressive.


4.CEO(最高経営責任者)のMark PincusはZyngaを絶対的に支配している。彼だけで会社のクラスB株の16%を所有しており、ZyngaのクラスC株の100%も所有している。これは、新規公募が行われた後でさえ、彼が完全に議決権を持っているということを意味する。

5. 私たちはZyngaのゲームに多くの時間を費やす。毎秒38,000ものバーチャル・アイテムが作り出される。もっと重要なのは、Zyngaのプレーヤーは毎日トータルで200億分間も費やしているということだ。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

7. Zynga makes almost all of its money through virtual goods. In 2008, online games and virtual good sales brought in $5.3 million in revenue while advertising generated $14.1 million. In 2010, those numbers flipped: Zynga made $574.6 million from virtual goods and its online games and just $22.8 million from advertising. The online game revenue likely includes partnerships (such as GagaVille) but it’s still one of the few online companies not dependent on online advertising.

8. Zynga has a lot of employees. As of May 31, 2011, Zynga has 2,268 full-time employees. To support them, Zynga has leased a 345,000 square foot facility in San Francisco.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Information Button ( i )
Press the information button any time during a session to see the highest intensity level you have reached for that session. Pressing the information button twice shows you the total number of sessions you have completed (Fig. a). While pressig the information button three times shows the belt type you are using.

Mute Function ( )
If you want to switch off your unit’s sound effects, press and hold the programme button for two seconds (Fig. b). The mute function remains active indefinitely unless manually changed. Deactivate the mute function by again pressing the programme button for two seconds.

You can purchase a new battery pack by contacting the SLENDERTONE Careline.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Keylock Function ( )
If you find a comfortable exe rcise intensity, press and hold the information button for two seconds to lock that intensity (Fig. c). This function only remains active during the session in which it is activated. If you wish to increase the intensity further, deactivate the keylock function by again pressing the information button for two seconds.

Error Messages
In the unlikely event of your unit developing a problem, “Err” will appear on your unit display (Fig. d). If this occurs you should switch the unit off and then switch it back on again. It should now operate properly. If the problem persists, please call your local careline for further assistance:


