Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The bag measures 36 in. x 90 in. and can accomodate a person up to 6 ft. 6 in. tall. ng.
The included cotton sheet is removable, allowing for 4 different sleeping bag configurations. By separating the bags, the sleeping bag can be used as a standard bag and the liner can be used as a lightweight sheet. When the bags are zipped together, the system can be used as a heavier single sleeping bag or spread out to make for a comfortable bottom layer.

Removable lightweight sheet included
Machine Washable
Contoured design keeps head on bag & bag off face
No snag patented zipper
Roll Control™ makes storage easy
No tie patented closure
Size of bag is 17" x 10" x 10"
Carrying bag is included




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

In the halls of SXSW, it’s not unusual to run into a startup with a Pinterest-like pitch. They often promise that their new product is a mashup of Pinterest and some other well-know idea. I asked Cohen about this. “I marvel about how many people ask me about Pinterest,” said Cohen. They want to know how they did it. Aside from what Cohen sees as the obvious simplicity and elegance of the site, Cohen said Silbermann remained open to smart people throughout the development process. Early on he engaged with partners, customers and even designers. “I used to see him in New York just taking out small rooms to meet with customers. I’d never seen anything like it.”



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

As for where the concept of pinning on boards came from, Cohen doesn’t know. “The way I imagine it is that [Silbermann] saw customers/women needing to have a contrast of all the things they were buying organized.” Doing so in a visual way “lent itself naturally to boards.”

The site, which even Cohen says has “come out of nowhere” tapped into people’s natural desire to curate and others’ need to find those curators. “The majority of people look to others for taste,” said Cohen.

Besides listening, there is one other attribute that Cohen believes plays a role in Pinterest’s success, “They’re just happy.” In almost everything they do, Cohen sees “almost a child-like fascination.”





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text


As Pinterest Investor Number One, it’s unlikely Cohen would have a single negative thing to say about the growing social sharing platform. When I ask him if there are any potential danger signs for the white-hot brand, Cohen deflected a bit and only offered the expected advice: “They have to stick to their knitting …improve usability.” Cohen, though, does see the difficultly of transitioning to the “commercial stage.”

Pinterest is now working with big brands and figuring out how to tie the product into their objectives. Meanwhile, it has struggled a bit with copyright issues, though Cohen naturally gives Pinterest high marks for how it handled the issue. “They listened to others,” he added.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Say Goodbye to User Name and Password Logins, and Hello to ‘OneID’

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.

Name: OneID Inc.

Quick Pitch: Goodbye user names and passwords.

Genius Idea: OneID has created single-click login so users don’t have to enter a user name, password, credit card number or billing information. OneID also has no centralized data storage, making it extremely difficult for hackers to access confidential information.




名称:OneID Inc.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Steve Kirsch wants to swap his 352 user names and passwords for a simple single click sign-in.

The Silicon Valley entrepreneur with 30 years’ experience hopes to take the web by storm with his new startup, OneID.

The user name and password model is not only inconvenient, but its security has been increasingly compromised over the years. That’s why Kirsch has created a multi-device verification system free of passwords.

OneID uses a combination of advanced asymmetric cryptography that works to identify a user through multiple electronic devices including computer, cell phone and tablet device. The devices work together to keep a user’s private information protected.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The problem with current digital protection methods, according to Kirsch, is that people are sharing their secrets and those secrets are being centrally stored. On a daily basis, Internet users share highly private information including their real identities, user names, passwords and credit card information.

“Until we eliminate the use of shared secrets for authentication, there will never be a satisfactory answer to the question, ‘How do I know I am really safe when l sign on to a website?’” Kirsch said.

Here’s the simple explanation of how OneID works: it verifies a user’s identity via the active device and a control device of the user’s choice.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The active device is what the user is using to access the login — a computer, for example. To make a payment or to login to a site, users then click the OneID button.

The computer sends verification to your phone, assuming that is your second device of choice. The user then verifies the login on a second device. The user can also opt to verify with a pin. The pin is a signature verification system rather than a password. The pins are not centrally stored in a database. A hacker can only obtain information that can be used to confirm a user’s identity — basically a lot of useless numbers.


