Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear platinum-wakyo,

Hello! I am thrilled you received the last CL Safely, and that you loved it as much as I hae come to love them myself. I actually own all the models I am selling so I knwo hte are fantastic. Proably my favorite is the one you are asking about now. The pictures cannot o justice to how beautiful the craftsmanship is on this one, as you can probabl imagine after seeing the wave dial that you bought previously. This one, the colors and the sheen of the dial are absolutely mesmorizing, If you could manage that I would ship it to you immeiately today, and I guarantee you will not regret it!



こんにちは、あなたがCL Safelyを無事に受け取り、とても気に入ってくれたったと知り、私自身もそれをとても気に入っているので、とてもうれしく思います。私は全モデルを持っていて販売しているのでそれらがすばらしいものであることを知っています。おそらく私の一番のお気に入りはあなたが今問い合わせているものです。この商品の技巧がいかに美しいかは写真だけではわかりません、以前あなたが購入したウェーブダイヤルを見たら想像できると思います。これはダイヤルの色と輝きはとても魅力的です。今日すぐに発送してもいいでしょうか。絶対に公開しないことを保証します!

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for shopping with DNA Footwear. At the present time, we can only process payments for international orders through Pay-Pal. We can email you an invoice and you can use your credit card to make the payment through Pay-Pal. Please email us back your Confirmed PayPal email address so we can proceed with your order. If you do not have a PayPal account we can still send you an invoice if you provide us with an email address. Please confirm that your PayPal payment matches the e-mail address, street address and zip/postal code on your existing DNA Footwear Order.

